
Patrick Timpone


Augustus Dunning

The Importance of Minerals As It Relates to the Health of the Soil and Human Beings

Augustus Dunning is the CEO of Eco Organics and is a physicist, chemist and an inventor. He is the former systems ops designer for the International Space Station and a former regional manager of liquid, solid and electric propulsion systems for Pratt and Whitney space propulsion, Edwards AFB, NAWC and JPL.

Show Highlights:

-Minerals are triggers to open up the genes

-How the advent of tractors changed the mineral rate in the soil

-Glyphosate and GMO foods: Why it’s so important to not only NOT eat GMO foods, but the importance of NOT eating an animal that ate them also

-How rooftop gardens could transform the way we eat and ultimately our health

-Worm castings for soil enrichment

-Augustus talks water fasting

-Do you have bags under your eyes? You may have kidney problems. Augustus tells us how he passed his kidney stones

-A list of great, mineral rich foods for better health

-The darker the food, the better it is for you

-The niacin/anti-aging connection

and more!

august in lab

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august denning on minerals, january 7, 2014

'Augustus Dunning – The Importance of Minerals As It Relates to the Health of the Soil and Human Beings – January 7, 2014' has no comments

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