Dr. Arpad Pusztai

The Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods

“The body will regard any Genetically Modified Food coming into the digestive system as foreign.”

This show is a great deal more than documenting the hazards of GMO. We hear in clear detail how Mr. Pusztai and his associates did the research and the ramifications going forward.

We also get a better handle on how the cells work and how, why and what our ancestors ate may or may not be a factor in our finding our “Ideal Diet”. You’ll hear Mr. Pusztai’s opinion on Dr. D Adamo’s Blood Type Diet and plant lectins spoken about so often.

This show was first broadcast on February 15, 2009

Arpad Pusztai, Ph.D., received his degree in Chemistry in Budapest, Hungary and his B.Sc. in Physiology and Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of London in England. Over his nearly 50-year career, he worked at universities and research institutes in Budapest; London; Chicago, U.S.; and Aberdeen, Scotland (Rowett Research Institute). He has published close to 300 primary peer-reviewed papers and wrote or edited 12 scientific books. In the last 30 years he pioneered research into the effects of dietary lectins (carbohydrate-reactive proteins), including those transgenically expressed in GM crop plants, on the gastrointestinal tract. Since his contract was not renewed with Rowett as a result of disagreements, Dr. Pusztai has been lecturing on his GM potato research all over the world and acting as a consultant to groups starting up research into the health effects of GM food.


dr arpad pusztai, classic rebroadcast oct. 21, 2011


'FROM THE ARCHIVES: Dr. Arpad Pusztai – The Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods – October 21, 2011' have 2 comments

  1. October 4, 2012 @ 3:13 pm Dr. Arpad Pusztai - The Gut Attacks GMOs as Foreign Invaders | Farm Wars

    […] Link to full interview […]


  2. February 3, 2019 @ 11:18 am amber clark

    I’d like him to do research on the rats that were effected with the genetically modified potato to see that if they then change their diet if they can reverse the effects that the potato made to their bodies. That will tell us if we as humans can change the adverse effects we have already suffered due to these toxins in our highly processed foods.


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