2nd July 2013

By Dr. Michelle Kmiec

Modernmedicinewould have you believe that genetically, we are all predetermined to have poor health or some type of disease sooner or later in life. That it’s “out of our hands”, with the onlyavailable means of treatment being what they deem to be “scientifically sound” … Pharmaceuticaldrugs. FDA approved, of course!

It is funny to me how there is one majorcomponentconvenientlymissing when “medical healthcare experts” discuss major diseases like cancer and heart disease. The poisons that we are exposed on a daily basis!

Lifestyles full of bad diets with plenty chemical-ridden processed foods, chemical-ridden processed meats, unnatural amounts of processed artificial sugars, dangerous diet myths promoting low fat and man-made replacement foods (touted as healthier than what nature has provided), along with little to no real exercise, and topped off with every form of stress imaginable. And don’t forget about smoking, pollution, pharmaceutical-ridden tap water, mercury and oil saturated oceans, and on and on… !!

So, how can we really believe that cancer,diabetes,heart disease and autoimmune disorders could be genetically driven?

Could it be that insanelyhuge profits from drugs and vaccines play a major role in all of this? Many say yes! Heck, cholesterol and high blood pressure medications are already being prescribed to children! Didn’t you know that there is now aHigh Blood Pressure gene? And why not!? Children are already given medications that suppress what comes natural to them — high energy, curiosity, play and creativity — better known as the childhood gene! However, modern medicine calls itADD/ADHD.

If we believe all this, then aren’t we are all “genetically” predetermined to some sort of ‘doom and gloom’ health future?

Furthermore, modern medicine acknowledges very little regarding thepower of the mind;if it can’t be measured and made tangible it simplydoesn’texist.

It is no secret, that what youfear most comes to pass. What illness do we fear the most?Cancer.

It’s obvious the power of our mind is out-of-bounds regarding so-called “real science”, and so unfortunately, so are natural therapies. They refuse to explore any natural methods that have been proven to prevent and, yes… dare I say cure! They label these claims as “quackery” and anything “natural” is received with laughter and skepticism.

All of this despite the fact that drug therapies aren’t as effective as advocates claim them to be!Oh the irony!

Furthermore, there hasnot been a decrease in cancer rates (of any type) despite all modern medicines monopoly on “scientifically proven” treatments (eg. drugs, surgery and chemo).

But don’t worry, there is good news! We determine which direction our health takes via the life choices we make.

Our genes are very much like the circuit-breaker in our homes. It takes a series of events in order to have a circuit switch off. The same is true with our genes. (seeThe REAL Cause of the “Disease Gene”). The science of genetics is a new frontier and although much progress has been made, we still lack the knowledge of how it all comes together.

Do thechemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis make a difference to whether a cancer gene will “turn on”? How about your emotions, how do they play in? What effect do all these prescription drugs have on our health as apopulation? Especially now that our tap water has become apharmaceutical cess-pool….

And let’s face it, the rootcauseof most diseases isstillunknown.How can I say such a thing?Becausethe rootcausechanges more often than theseasons. What is dangerous to your health today will be healthy for you tomorrow andvice versa.

Here are a few examples:

  • The Sun
  • Eggs
  • Paleo Diet
  • Raw Food Diet
  • Fish
  • Running
  • Chiropractic

Just google any of these examples and I guarantee you will find strong opinions for and against each of them, each claiming to have proof. It’s enough to make your head spin!!

Wait…. is therea Head-Spinning Gene?? (LOL!) Actually… there is!For fun I had to look it up to see… and guess what I found? The so-called “Weak and Dizzy Gene“!

Well, this may seem funny, but ittruly uncovers proof that the real cause is being overlooked:Modern medicine is still only symptom-based. And that is a seriousmatterforconcern.

Isn’t it time we start to look for real answers? I know a great place to start… acknowledging and cleaning up the toxicenvironmentwe live in.

Wouldn’t it then be interesting to see if these diseases are still causedby “our genes”?

Previous articles by Dr. Michelle:

About the author:
is a licensed chiropractor who also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology. She is life-long athlete who after curing herself 100% naturally from autoimmune neurological symptoms and anxiety, became an avid nutrition health researcher/promoter, author of Healthcare Freedom Revolution: Exposing the Lies, Deceit and Greed of the Medical Profession, and Founder of the website Online Holistic Health. You can follow Online Holistic Health on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.



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