Brandon Amalani

Brandon Amalani has over a decade of experience in the natural health and wellness industry from retail sales to business management and product development. He owns and operates Shen Blossom LLC which is a company that develops high quality, organic herbal product that are rare in the marketplace.

Shen Blossom is exclusive distributor of 100% certified organic, American grown Schizandra. This product is the only one of it’s kind that is grown in the United States and is the most vibrant, potent version of schizandra berry found anywhere.

See for details

He is also the owner and president of BluShield Global USA which distributes innovative, science backed EMF protection products in North America. Over the years he has also conducted private consultations to develop healthy lifestyle strategies that are custom to the individual.

This is a great show with Brandon.  As part of the broadcast we go through many of the Shen Blossom products, talking about processes, benefits, ingredients and traditional. (the best) ways of producing these medicines in small batches.

Warning..When you listen tot the show you’ll probably be clicking on the link above and doing a little shopping.  I’m just saying...

Brandon tells us a bit about the various Tai Chi lineages and why he chose the one he did.

Here’s a link sent in by a listener that may introduce you to Brandon’s particular lineage Tai Chi he practices.

Chenn Man Ch’ing from the JustByoga website, video

A listener asks Brandon what he feeds his two small children

emails:  Hi What is the best way to take schizandra berry powder. mixed with water,,,,,,
 boil with water ?    what temperature and how long?

We have a good discussion his Blue Shield Technology we promote for building the body to better protect from EMF’s and this email came in  All those routers will do that now by default…all of them have WiFi enabled unless you turn it off manually. I’m network engineer :).

Patrick talks about a small square Apple TV device he installed to watch videos on a big screen and wow, it was blasting out RF waves.  He turned it around, put it on the floor behind the TV and poof, the radiation was gone.

Brandon Amalani on Shen Blossom and Blue Shield products,Tai and Chinese Medicine, April 11, 2019

'Brandon Amalani – Tai Chi, Chinese Medicine and Staying Balanced on Planet Earth – April 11, 2019' has no comments

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