Please take action before Dec. 27
This is important, and a challenge that you may want to take action ON , now. The FCC is proposing to discontinue land line service in many states. This IMO is not a good thing, for so many reasons.
Let’s have as many as possible comment on this and tell in your own words why you don’t like this, if that is the case. This would affect service nation wide.
We have until December 27 to comment. Let us do all we can to go viral, like it, share it, post it etc.
It is all done online it is a bit tricky, so follow the directions exactly so it works. First the link and then the specifics on what to do.
Thank you and may the blessings be.
The deadline is December 27th but please begin submitting now!
> Follow These Instructions to Make Comments:
> 1. Click on this link
> 2. Click on “Submit a Filing” Tab at the top of the page.
> 3. Click on “Express a Comment” (on top of the page) to just make a comment
> 4. Simply type in the Docket number into the “Proceedings” Field and make sure it is accurately displayed in the window, a DROP DOWN MENU will appear choose Docket No: 16-399
> Note: Make sure you CLICK ENTER after you type in the Docket number and after you type in your name. It will highlight the right docket number and hit ENTER
> 5. Fill out all required fields and click ENTER” before you go to the next field.
> 6. Once all fields are filled out – click continue screen.
> 7. Review and submit.
> 8. Make sure you write down your confirmation # so that you can check on your submission.
Click on the link below
'Call to Action – ACT NOW!!! – FCC PROPOSING TO DISCONTINUE LAND LINES IN U.S.' have 3 comments
December 21, 2016 @ 10:43 am Dee Dee
Could this be a scam? I can’t find any information on Google about the FCC banning landline. Probably a good idea not to click on the link until more info is available.
December 22, 2016 @ 5:03 pm Ellen
Yes, it’s incredible that there is next to no one covering this. Here is the link to the FCC announcement:
December 21, 2016 @ 8:50 pm Judith Sims
When the technology for cell phones and cell towers is properly and thoroughly designed and safe for humans and other beings and plants living on this planet, the FCC is welcomed to bring this question of discontinuing land lines up!!! Until the technology is safe and it is not !!!!!! They shouldn’t even be thinking about getting rid of the existing land lines.