Patrick Timpone

Carole J. Hyder

International Feng Shui Expert

Imagine having a space in which you love spending time.

Imagine a space that was aligned with a higher vision.

What if you had employees who were productive, creative and happy to come to work?

Since 1992, it has been Carol’s good fortune to guide people to an awareness of the rich impact that comes from creating beauty and order in the environment. This beauty-order connection has been the driving force in her life, even from her earliest memories of what it was like to change a space around. Feng Shui was the obvious Eastern modality that summed up Carol’s beliefs and underscored the concepts of beauty and order.

Show Highlights:

-The basic premise of feng shui is that it reflects your life; by changing your space, you change your life

-Your house is like a positive affirmation

-Clothes, clutter and broken things: If it’s not serving you, it doesn’t need to be in your space

-Mistakes people make in the bedroom

-Being aware of direction; how do you enter your space?

-Is that tree out your window causing you problems?

-Where the ‘family’ part of the home is located

-Blessing your home; clearing it and claiming it

-Consider bring in a feng shui expert when building your new home

And so much more!

Carol Hyder

Visit Website


carolyn hyder on feng shui, february 13, 2014

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