The Economy – Articles

401k Hit by Withdrawal Freezes

Some investors in 401(k) retirement funds who are moving to grab their money are finding they can’t. Even with recent gains in stocks such as Mondays, the months of market turmoil have delivered a blow to some 401(k) participants: freezing their investments in certain plans. In some cases, individual investors can’t withdraw money from certain…

Following the Money

Last week, the bankrupt insurance giant AIG received an additional $30 billion in bailout funds from the United States government, raising its total take to $170 billion. The funds, however, aren’t going into the benighted firms coffers to aid the liquidation and deleveraging process.

How to Lose 55 Percent: Invest in TARP

TARP investments are certainly “troubled.” And Washington, it turns out, isn’t the best short-term investor. The government’s investments in the nation’s ailing banks, made through the newly coined Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, have taken a huge hit since the program started making capital injections last October. Thanks to last week’s stock market sell-off,…

Less risk in Canadian banks: UBS

Bay Street is likely to suffer less than Wall Street as global economic conditions worsen and international banks continue to grapple with bad loans and toxic assets, according to UBS. Researchers at the Swiss bank “expect Canadian banks to continue to outperform their global peers given superior asset quality, capital, liquidity, and return on equity.”

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