March 8, 2014 by MICHAEL FORRESTER

Our society has become a place of judgement, criticism, insults and bickering because we fail to listen, inspire, cooperate and be kind based on an appreciation of perspectives rather than our own truth. If you would like to know what will change the world more than anything else, think kindness and take the joy from your heart and give it others.

When we realize that all truths are true, we no longer have a need to be right. That is why belief systems, as sensitive as many of them may be, should all be respected. Because they are true to the holder of those beliefs, regardless if you disagree with them or not.

Before We Speak We Need To THINK

T- Is it True to who you are? Most people have trouble getting past the first letter. They argue their truth without realizing other perspectives are equally valid. Some will even act maliciously based on principles they do not believe, just so they may gain the upper hand. This is a big mistake and an enormous energy drain. First and foremost, always make sure what you are discussing what is true to you. Does it reflect the morals and guidelines you follow in your daily life and does it resonate within your heart. That is the only way know if it is even worthy of your energy.

H- Is it Helpful?

If it is not helpful, why spend another second on it? When you invest time and energy in anything, it must be helpful to your growth or that of others. If your intention is not assist in this process, then what is the goal? Ask yourself this before every intention and you will immediately be able to assess the direction and potential consequences of your words and actions.

I- Is it Inspiring?
If we are not lifting others up and empowering them, we are not magnifying our own potential to grow. Use praise, compliments, admiration and expressions of flattery to boost confidence and enthusiasm, even if you don’t share the same perspective. That may be hard to do at times, but I can promise you it will help you in any relationship, discussion or debate, regardless of its context.

N- Is it Necessary?
We live in a world of unnecessary complexities that have made our social structure aggressive and stressful. If you don’t feel what are you about to say or do is necessary, then it probably isn’t. If you combine this with the other components in your thinking process, it will formulate your answers before they ever become questions.

K- Is it Kind?
If you are not being kind, what are you being? Would you rather be right, or would you rather be kind? One drains both sides of the equation and the other lifts and empowers both sides. You can agree to disagree, still maintain your own perspective all while exhibiting diplomacy and kindness in your thoughts and words which then become your experience.

If we practice the above in ALL our interactions:
– Discussions will no longer become arguments
– Perspectives will no longer become criticisms
– Opinions will no longer become insults
– Disagreements will no longer become judgements

The focus then shifts from a position of antagonism to one of cooperation and kindness.

Your intention is our choice. Your words are your choice. Your experience is your choice.

Let us show others what we have chosen to experience because we will only get back out of this world what we have put into it.

Michael Forresteris a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.

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