Daniel Vitalis

Daniel Vitalis is the host of WildFed.

For ten years he lectured around North America and abroad, offering workshops that helped others lead healthier, more nature-integrated lives. A successful entrepreneur, he founded the nutrition company Surthrival.com in 2008. Most recently, he hosted the popular podcast ReWild Yourself.

He’s a Registered Maine Guide, writer, public speaker, interviewer, and lifestyle pioneer who’s especially interested in helping people reconnect with wildness, both inside and outside of themselves.

After learning to hunt, fish, and forage as an adult, Daniel created WildFed to inspire others to start a wild-food journey of their own.

Headquartered in the Lakes Region of Maine, he lives with his beautiful wife Avani and their Plott Hound Ellie.

Daniel Vitalis joined us today for his first interview on our show in 2 years. He was on fire and had us on the edge of our seats for 2 hours. He talked about how marriage has made him a better man and how his views about the perfect diet has evolved and changed over the years since he became a hunter/gatherer. He talked aging and longevity in a celebratory sense as something not to fight, but something to enjoy by being the healthiest and strongest version of yourself. This is a totally uplifting show and one to share. Enjoy!

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Part One

Part Two

'Daniel Vitalis | Is There Anything Good to Eat? Why ALL Diet Fads Are Wrong and So Much More | March 29, 2023' has no comments

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