David Foreman

The Herbal Pharmacist


A now famous Harvard study finds our minds negatively wander about 50 percent of the time, and the stress that results from this type of mind wandering can lead to digestive disorders, short-term memory loss, premature coronary heart disease, heart attacks and despair.  At the same time, antidepressant usage has skyrocketed and doctors are now prescribing antidepressants for non-depression diagnosis such as anxiety, sleep and increased mental focus.

David Foreman, known to audiences as The Herbal Pharmacist says this is troubling since antidepressants also carry the FDA’s most stringent “black box” warning for life-threatening adverse effects.  Foreman says the risks associated with antidepressants for many of these health complaints outweigh the benefits, and there may be more effective ways to tackle stress, mood, focus and sleep from nature’s pharmacy before pulling out the prescription pad. He will share with your audience the science behind three specific herbs from around the globe that can help increase focus, relieve stress and improve sleep (talking points include calming herbs from: South African succulent, arctic root and tropical flower).
David Foreman goes into detail on three interesting and unique herbs to help us chill out, sleep better and cut down on stinkin’ thinkin
What most Souls consider normal everyday thinking ongoing, in many cases is stressing the body
The how’s and why’s of magnesium defeciency
Potassium, Sodium, Calcium and Magnesium want to be a relatively balanced ratio 
Generally dark greens are Da Bomb of nutrition.  You just can’t go wrong.  Ok..who wants my kale and collards?  haha
David Foremen gets into three herbs he likes a great deal: 
South African Succulent: Can you imagine the stress and focus required to
hunt and gather your entire tribe’s dinner in certain territories of South Africa? As early
as 1738, this particular herb derived from a medicinal, chewable plant was commonly
used by the San people to relieve pain, stave off hunger and enhance mood during long
hunting trips. 
Purchasing supplements with the Zembrin ingredient will also circle back to benefit the
indigenous tribes that discovered it through the South African San Council.
2. Arctic Root: Used for centuries to cope with the stressful life of cold
Siberian climate and increase physical endurance and resistance to high-altitude sickness,
the root of rhodiola rosa is frequently used today to increase energy, stamina, strength
and mental capacity to help the body adapt to and resist physical, chemical and
environmental stress. While rhodiola may not give you the immediate “chill out” effect,
it works behind-the-scenes to help your body adapt to stress and negate the negative
effects of the stress hormone, cortisol.
3. Tropical Flower: If your idea of “chilling out” involves a cocktail on a tropical
island than you can begin to understand the medicinal properties of passion flower.
There are more than 400 species of tropical passion flowers but most originate
throughout Central and South America and the Polynesian Islands
Taking a dose of passion flower is a lot like drinking a
couple of cocktails, so be extra cautions if mixing it with alcohol consumption
David tells a story of daughter with ongoing migraines and tried most everything…massive testing etc. and then took a test
to find reactive foods and cut out a few things and was cured of headaches.

Here’s the site for the ELISA test


David Foreman’s website 


David Foreman, The Herbal Pharmacist with many interesting ideas and support for stinkin’ thinkin’

'David Foreman – The Herbal Pharmacist – Balancing Minerals; Dealing with Stress; Healing Herbs and Much More – April 5, 2018' has no comments

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