Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Prescribing antibiotics for viral conditions.  Why?

CDC Vaccine board voted 15-0 to add COVID vax to children’s vaccine schedule.  Most dangerous vax ever.

Do we have a genetic code that forces us to get sick or die after a certain period of years? 

Versus it’s our beliefs that cause aging and death.  We program ourselves.

Resentment of others and ourselves is reflected in the gall bladder.  Lungs reflect grief.  Heart reflects love.

Atom says DNA is a suggested choice.  The highest choice is the God Code.

When something is in our state of consciousness, it’s in our body.

Physical reality is a dream.  No different than dreams in your sleep.

Why did Patrick chose Eckankar? 

We are spiritually weak when we believe in the lie that the earth is spinning.  You believe it because you haven’t looked into it.

Resources on flat earth: Eric Dubay, ODD TV, David Weiss (Flat Earth Dave).

NASA said they lost the technology that got us to the moon.  Really?

Listener asks: Did Patrick ever eat vegan?  No.  Some vegetarian.  Did macrobiotic.

Listener asks about Rudolf Steiner books on cosmology. 

Everything is God.  As soul, we are projecting our attention somewhere else, to the astral plane.

Heliocentric theory is about 400 years old.  Initiated by Jesuits and Freemasons.

Did Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombings really happen? 

Patrick is changing his diet to less meat and more fat.

The idea that there is something to fix in our body is a big trap.

New Zealand will be taxing cow farts and burps.  Australia plans to reduce methane emissions.  Craziness in the Commonwealth.

Listener suggests Patrick’s toe numbness could be from a psoas issue causing restricted circulation.

King Charles to spend 370 million pounds on Buckingham Palace renovations.  Will take 5 years before he can live there.

Eyes are windows, not mirrors, per Atom.  Elementals aren’t demonic.

PCR tests are fraudulent for AIDS and COVID diagnosis.  AZT is what killed AIDS patients.  There is no virus.

They will get away with whatever they can.  Will they pull out all the stops?  Nothing to lose now.

Stay emotionally uninvolved with whatever you read.  Do something productive.

Patrick One

Patrick Two

'Patrick Timpone | There is Absolutely Nothing in our DNA Controlling How long We live – It’s a God Thing | October 21, 2022' has no comments

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