Patrick Timpone

When we love and trust God and do what we can to help ourselves and others, we will be fine.

If you eat the right foods (animal-based), you can get to one meal a day (OMAD).

Living on the fat of the land – we live on fat.  Benefits of increased fertility, clearer skin, better digestion, better exercise recovery, improved cognition.

Potato is one of the better non-meat foods.

A French chef’s way of cooking steak.  See YouTubes of “Best Way To Cook A Steak”.  Take a thick rib eye steak, dry-aged in refrigerator.  Let it sit 10-15 minutes or more at room temperature.  Heat heavy pan really hot.  Put ghee in pan and on steak.  Cook steak on 1 side for 1-2 minutes, flip over, cook 1-2 minutes, repeat multiple times until it reaches desired internal temperature reading.  110°  for Patrick.  Put big glob of butter in pan, 2 sprigs of thyme, shallots, garlic, baste steak while it’s cooking, keep flipping, until thick crust forms.  Let rest on a wooden chopping block for 10 minutes.  Best tasting steak ever.  Easy to chew.

Many carnivores eat OMAD because blood sugar stays stable if not eating carbs.

If stools are too hard, eat more fat.  Butter, cream, ghee, tallow, coconut oil, eggs.

Colostrum mixed with coconut milk is a good snack.

Plants make chemicals to deter being eaten.

Carbs inflame arteries with sugar and the insulin they produce.

How much energy, focus and motivation can we have?  Experiment to find out.

Listener’s daughter has been coughing for over a month after being diagnosed with mild pneumonia.  Antibiotics stop the healing process.  Stop them and the lungs will heal.

We think we have to fix our ailments.  Do we?  Understand what the body is trying to do.

Rabies virus is another made-up one.  Money and control.  Rabies vax every 3 years is the same scam.

Listener thinks most are asleep.  Need to wake up and soon.  Are there any genuine efforts to solve 911 and bring the culprits to trial? 

The people that did 9/11 are in control.  Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have been disputing accepted conclusions.

Trump is as bad as his predecessors.  Was a traitor and murderer as a consequence of Operation Warp Speed.

Listener upset with warmonger Martin Armstrong and Patrick’s interview of him.

Opinion on buying real estate right now?  Interest rates will continue going up, which will crater real estate.  Price you pay today is relative to the market.

Listener fries liver in clarified butter with turmeric and curry leaf powder with a few fried eggs.  Eats it with goji berries soaked in butter, tudca and lipospheric vitamin C.

Seeing the stuff coming up in the Matrix is the same as seeing stuff coming out of our bodies as we get healthy.

What are we doing to ourselves by thinking aging is degenerate?  We have a consciousness that can control the body.  We are not hardwired to age.

Listener upset that good foods are being labeled as bad. 

To disprove the idea of flat earth, show Patrick one non-CGI picture of the earth spinning around.

Elon Musk is firing anybody.  Jack Dorsey owns about 2% of Twitter stock and is hanging onto it.

We’ve been told myths about pooping, fiber, fat, and carbs most of our lives.

China Study was based on surveys of food frequency questionnaires with the intent to promote vegetarianism.

Need someone to really listen to you?  Consider signing up for Patrick In Your Pocket coaching. 

He’s still best friends with all the women he’s been in relationships with.

'Patrick Timpone | Doing What We’ve Agreed to Do and Leaving Others Alone Leads to a Better Life | November 2, 2022' has no comments

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