Patrick Timpone

Don Jansen


In 1982, Dr. Maynard Murray invited Don to buy his 5.5 acre seaponic farm in Ft. Myers, Florida. Don’s acceptance was timely, for the doctor died in 1983. In that last year, he paid Don steady visits to offer his information and insight gathered in 45 years of research and medical practice.

Don found sea solid dilutions gave the highest yields, and made fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides unnecessary, since the nutrients are complete and the plants resist disease and insects. Nutrients were measurably higher in sea solid grown foods, and blind taste tests proved them favorites. Fruit trees responded enthusiastically to sea solid feedings.

Since it grows without synthetic chemicals, Don’s produce is Certified Organic, and his few intensive acres supply international organic wholesalers. However, Don believes seaponics is beyond organic, since organic methods alone do not insure the will have all the essential elements. Seaponics is ideal for areas where soils are rain-leached and depleted, such as south Florida.


don jansen, ocean grown food and wheatgrass 01.06.11

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