Dr. Al Danenberg

Periodontist, Primal Health Coach and Author of Crazy-Good Living

“Dr. Al” Danenberg is a periodontist and has been treating patients for gum disease over the past 44 years. He currently sees patients one day a week at Bluffton Center for Dentistry in Bluffton, SC. He incorporates the concepts of ancestral nutrition & lifestyle with his leading-edge laser protocol to treat periodontal disease. In 2014, he received a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner designation and then the Primal Health Coach Certification. In 2015, he was appointed to the faculty of the College of Integrative Medicine and created the college’s integrative periodontal teaching module. Then, in April 2017, he earned the designation of “ADAPT Trained Health Professional from Kresser Institute, the only functional medicine and evolutionary health training company”. He has been featured on many podcasts and has presented his information at many seminars over the past several years regarding ancestral nutrition, ancestral lifestyle, and overall health. His appearances and publications can be found on his website: https://drdanenberg.com/resources/publications/ Elektra Press published the print copy of his book, Crazy-Good Living, on October 11, 2017. It is based on ancestral nutrition & lifestyle and is available from Amazon and all booksellers. Dr. Danenberg can be contacted from his website: https://drdanenberg.com/


Dr. Danenberg has some has some unique opinions on how the micro biome in the mouth functions

He is a big fan of probiotics that survive the stomach acid, which most do not

The Dr. is also a strong proponent of Vitamin K-2

He says dysbiosis in the gut is the ultimate cause of most of humanity’s health issue

List of culprits for dysbiosis:  Too many and the wrong kind of grains, Gluten, Chemicals, glyphosates, EMF’s and our reaction to stressful situations

Dr. Denenberg is not a fan of fluoride or glycerin in toothpaste.  He likes baking soda and sea salt

There’s healthy plaque that is beneficial for the mouth, gums and teeth


Dr. Alvin Denenberg D.D.S on gum disease and much more including ancestral diet, July 12, 2018

'Dr. Al Danenberg – Periodontist, Primal Health Coach and Author of Crazy-Good Living talks Gum Disease, Gut Bacteria and Ancestral Diet- July 12, 2018' has no comments

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