Patrick Timpone


Dr. Allan Hamilton

Surgeon-Educator-Author-Motivational Speaker

Allan Hamilton, MD wears many hats: Harvard-trained neurosurgeon, University of Arizona medical professor, script consultant forGrey’s Anatomy,TEDx speaker,author of the award-wining bookThe Scalpel and the Soul,and a long time horse trainer. In fact, he’s used horses to teach medical students better bedside manners. In his new book,Lead with the Heart: Lessons from a Life with Horses,he shares the lessons he’s learned from horses about health, wellness, mindfulness and more.
A horse trainer for over 20 years, Dr. Hamilton’s main theme is that horses are prey animals and as such, offer models of fairness, forgiveness, and leadership. They yearn for harmony, tranquility and kindness. Their partnerships and families are based on trust. Humans, on the other hand, have been predators and have leaned toward conquests, materialism, exploitation, and self-centeredness. Our tendency is not to trust. Maybe it’s time we model our body, mind and spirits after horses.

In this time of high stress jobs and lifestyles, Ebola and Zika fears, and climate change, Dr. Hamilton’s message is not only inspiring but instructional.

Lead with Your Heartis a beauty of a book, and Dr. Hamilton continues to be an eloquent and engaging author and radio show guest.


Show Highlights:

-Hope is a medicine that doctors are trying to take away.

-Optimistic breast cancer patients live twice as long as non-optimistic breast cancer patients.

-Lung cancer patients well looked after survived longer, care cost less, felt better than lung cancer patients receiving the same medical protocol but not the same attention.

-Removing hope will kill a patient.

-Statistics don’t tell what one person’s course of illness will be.

-Positive things as well as negative things can happen because of a patient’s emotional state.

-We need to connect to something bigger than ourselves to rally all our resources.

-The powerful impact on a patient of hearing the word cancer – the mind goes blank. Doctors need to repeat their message several times, have an optimistic, hopeful attitude, and be open to conventional and alternative therapies. Use everything, including patient’s hope and optimism.

-85% of cancer patients are using alternative therapies but are afraid to tell their doctor they’re using them.

-Dr. Sommelweiss was shunned by his medical community because his hand washing advocacy violated the medical standards of his day. The allopathic standards of today all started as alternative medicine.

-If tumors and cancer are a manifestation of the body out of balance, how can it be beneficial to use chemo or radiation on something which is only a symptom of the problem?

-Does chemo disrupt the body’s ability to heal itself?

-The more upbeat you are, the better your immune system will do.

-Story of the origin of placebo medicine.

-The power of intuition to read a person’s health.

-Horses as teachers of patience, good leadership, and communion. They’re 1200 pounds – we can’t out muscle them; must learn to read them. Their prey mentality makes them wary.

-Horses read our body language. 85% of our communication is body language. Horses want you alongside, rather than in front. Interaction with horses is a teaching tool for how doctors should interact with patients. Horses think of themselves as we rather than I, whereas people think in a predatory mentality and foremost think of themselves as I. Horses need the companionship of a herd.

and so much more!!

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dr allan hamilton m.d. on leading with the heart, september 22, 2016

'FROM THE ARCHIVES: Dr. Allan Hamilton – Hope is a Medicine That Doctors Are Trying to Take Away – September 22, 2016' has no comments

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