Amandha Vollmer

Waking Up and Creating What We Want – The Loonies Are Running the Asylum

Amandha Dawn Vollmer holds a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology. 

Most of her life, Amandha has taken a keen interest in botanical medicine, self-educating on the topic many years before attaining her formal medical training. Amandha also sought answers via the energetic healing arts and became a Registered Reiki Practitioner & Teacher, among other modalities.

After much scholarly and independent study, Amandha’s passion for the elegant and effective sub-molecular medicine known as homeopathy brought her to study in India under Rajan Sankaran. Amandha volunteered for intensive medical program in Northern India, shadowing cardiologists, obstetricians, Ayurvedic practitioners and homeopathic doctors alike.

Amandha is the author of Healing with DMSO book, a science-backed guide will help you understand how DMSO works, why it works, and the many ways you can harness its power to heal your aches, pains, and other ailments, all in an easy-to-read and friendly way.

Amandha is one of the many authorities on the Virus Truth Movement featured in an upcoming major presentation

“The End of Covid”

Anandha is digging in to help us learn about how to self asses our challenges ourselves

She is creating courses for all sorts idea on healing and goals, beginning on July 1

The idea of going to “the doctor” is simply not not to be in our future.

Everything we need is within us, now

Getting clear and totally honest with ourselves is where the action is

She is an expert on DMSO and explains some of the uses and benefits

DMSO was/is used on race horses for injuries

DMSO is an anti inflammatory  and up regulates healing

We talk about free will and choice as Souls in a body

The difference between belief and knowledge

the whole idea of the Spike protein is all made up as well

She advocates studying Equity Law to have finances and freedom in place

Rebecca Rodrigues 

To get more info about Equity Law send an email with subject like  Â« ADV Sent Me Â» to amrpeace@proton.m

Boycott is the way, Just say no.

The Measles and Mumps lie

Links to Amandha’s websites:
iTeraCare Videos

Courses newsletter signup for notification of launch date

'Dr. Amandha Vollmer | There’s No COVID, No Viruses, No Spike Proteins , No Killer Parasites' have 2 comments

  1. July 5, 2023 @ 1:10 am Marc

    I first heard of the Tera wand fr anahata last year. Is this the same thing?

  2. July 16, 2023 @ 4:24 pm Eric

    I’m in love with these words… I never knew this women existed. I cannot get the context of what she was saying out of my head. It’s like we came from the same Spirit. Especially the powerful Protestant Reformation power words.
    Great guest Patrick. Sharp, concise, and to the point. She even is figuring out are lives aren’t meant to be in pen and ink.

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