Dr. Ben Lynch


Author of Dirty Genes: A Breakthrough Program to Treat the Root Cause of Illness and Optimize Your Health


This is a great show with Dr. Ben Lynch…We think he is totally on it..in the game and well worth your listen


All “poor methylators need to hear Dr. Lynch speak on gene testing as 23 and Me


After suffering for years with unexplainable health issues, Dr. Ben Lynch discovered the root cause—“dirty” genes. Genes can be “born dirty” or merely “act dirty” in response to your environment, diet, or lifestyle—causing lifelong, life-threatening, and chronic health problems, including cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

Based on his own experience and successfully helping thousands of clients, Dr. Lynch shows you how to identify and optimize both types of dirty genes by cleaning them up with targeted and personalized plans, including healthy eating, good sleep, stress relief, environmental detox, and other holistic and natural means.

Many of us believe our genes doom us to the disorders that run in our families. But Dr. Lynch reveals that with the right plan in place, you can eliminate symptoms, and optimize your physical and mental health—and ultimately rewrite your genetic destiny.

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We have genes we come in with and our Epi Genetics, which we control, determine how these genes express themselves, positively or negatively…or not

Methylation issues abound from folks who have taken the 23 and Me test, and most are not seeing the whole picture and causing more problems for themselves

We discuss the whole gluten phenomenon

What we believe have a huge impact on what our genes express

Dr. Lynch talks about the potential of using GI Map and Viome stool testing

Dr. Lynch developed a program to  assist in working with your genes and epi genes .  It is called StrateGene

We asked, “If we do all the right things the best we know..diet..exercise…water..detox..right thinking..will that change the genes that could be a problem/”


Dr. Ben Lynch N.D. on how to clean up your dirty genes and why it is even possible to do so, April 30, 2018

'Dr. Ben Lynch -Clean up Your Dirty Genes: You are Not Your Genes and Control Your Genetic Expression – April 30, 2018' has no comments

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