
Patrick Timpone


Dr. Bradley Bale

Beat the Heart Attack Gene: The Revolutionary Plan to Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes

A revolutionary, personalized guide to preventing heart disease based on genetic factors

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in America. It affects 81 million Americans and is the culprit in one of every two deaths in the United States. Most people think that they are not at risk of a heart attack if they control their cholesterol and blood pressure, but they aren’t aware of other major risk factors. The good news is that with the right information and strategies, heart attacks are preventable—even if heart disease runs in the family.

Show Highlights:

-Preventing heart disease and stroke

-80% of all heart attacks and strokes are caused by blood clots; what’s causing the blood clots is this question

-Inflammation drives arterial disease

-Where does lipoprotein A figure in? Asking for a test is a good idea

-Nobody needs to suffer a stroke or a heart attack; they’re all preventable

-Periodontal disease can also contribute to arterial disease

-According to studies huge percentage of heart attacks are caused by oral infections

-Addressing Syndrome X: Where does it fit into the inflammation problem? Crashing toward diabetes, even with a fasting blood sugar

-Exercise is the Trump card

-Rebuilding the pancreas with cloves and cinnamon

-Good news for coffee drinkers

-Does alcohol reduce the risk of heart attack? Listen to Dr. Bale’s fascinating answer

-Testing to see if your arteries are on fire. You may look good and feel good, but what’s really going on inside the arteries?

-Improving arterial function just by listening to good music; anxiety drives the risk for heart attack and stroke

-The importance of 22 minutes a day of aerobic exercise

-Don’t forget a good night’s sleep

-Cholesterol numbers: Dr. Bale shares the formula for optimal numbers


Dr. Bradley BaleDr. Bradley Bale is one of the nation’s leading specialists in preventing heart attacks, stroke and diabetes. Since 2002, he’s given more than 600 speeches and presentations to medical groups in the US and abroad, including the American Heart Association, Berkeley HeartLab and European Atherosclerosis Society. His media interviews include The Huckabee Show, Fox TV, ABC TV, The Wall Street Journal and ESPN, which recently reported on how Dr. Bale screened coaches, scouts and former players from Seattle Seahawks football team for cardiovascular disease (CVD), using a state-of-the-art ultrasound test. He has also served as a medical expert on the Larry King Cardiac Foundation’s program on sudden cardiac death, honoring the late Tim Russert.

Dr. Bale is medical director of the Heart Health Program at Grace Clinic in Lubbock, Texas and cofounder of the Bale/Doneen Method international preceptorship program, an accredited continuing medical education (CME) course teaching health care providers advanced techniques to detect—and reverse—CVD before the patient suffers a heart attack or stroke. Hundreds of MDs have completed the training, some of whom subsequently opened their own prevention clinics, hailing the course “an incredible resource…the future of medicine,” “the best, by far, educational program I have ever attended,” and “the education of a lifetime…the only totally comprehensive program in the world for the prevention of this disease.”


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dr bradley bale, preventive heart health, march 24, 2014

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