Dr. Grayson Dart


By understanding the real cause of disease and how the body functions, you can heal from almost anything

While in medical school, Dr. Dart was unsatisfied with the idea of “incurable diseases”. He was struggling with his own autoimmune disease and decided to look outside of the medical system for answers. This began a journey of discovery resulting in his own healing and a determination to help as many people experience the same thing. His mission is to now share his years of research and experience with others so they too can heal.

“It is a great joy for me to share this special work with others. I love witnessing people become their own health authority.”

Dr. Grayson coaches people on fasting  and is an associate of Dr. Andrew Kaufman


Dr. Grayson says there’s no such thing as auto immune disease as advertised.

“Cancer” is the body’s way of cleaning up after toxicity

Insulin resistance explained

Using Turpentine to clean up the sludge so the body can detox more easily

Liver flushes with coffee enemas are powerful

The 4th. phase of water is increased with far infrared saunas

Small children the earth over present with all sorts of “issues” because of vaccine damage

Bacteria, Virus and parasites are cleaning up things, not trying to kill us.

The glycemic  index in fruits is important.

All health issues have a spiritual component.

Zeolite, Charcoal and binders are used to clear out toxins from the colon.

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