What’s being said about this show

Good show with Jen Daniel’s this week 28th Sept. You have done many shows over the years but this one had a touch or the ‘masterclass’ (as they say in the film world) about it. You and Jennifer work well together. Thanks! Matthew in London

Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident

 Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration. She practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods.
She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985. She is the author of the award winning book, Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful?

Healers Home Study Course


Consultation with Dr. Daniels


Candida Cleaner Report:vitalitycapsules.com

Show highlights:

If you believe there is a virus you are right. If you believe there is no virus, you are right.
Dr Daniels shares how she came to this conclusion and why it is good news for you.  No microscope needed. 

Questions from our listeners that Dr. Daniels addressed:

What are some herbs and supplements that can properly repair an intense case of gastritis? Changing the diet from High-Carb to Moderate-Carb to Low-Carb didn’t make any difference, and neither has altering the intake of proteins and fats or trying different probiotic supplements. Most herbs and spices seem to irritate the issue even further, and no dairy has been consumed for years.

Does Dr. Daniels know of some home remedies that can successfully reverse a receding hairline, especially to regrow the hair over the temples?

I have a bladder infection that seems to be hanging on for weeks off and on. Drinking lots of water and cranberry and d mannose supplements. Would turpentine help?

How would Dr. Daniels suggest to deal with E. Coli in the bladder once you have them in there. She mentioned to keep the environment acidic to avoid them. But how do you get properly rid of them without antibiotics?

And: is taking bi-carbonate as suggested by Dr. Sircus making it easier for the E. Coli to survive?

Male in his late 50’s experiencing tooth loss, chipping etc. Also, I grinds teeth while sleeping. Any thoughts or recommendations?

What can a woman do about crepe skin?   It is a horror!   Will MSM get rid of it, eat it, spray it on?   Will anything at all make it go away?

What is your opinion about plastic surgery?

What causes a touch to the rear of the scalp to  cause a sensation of pins and needles, and what may be done about restless leg syndrome?  

I have heard the turpentine can dissolve cataract
How do I apply it?
I have had one eye done four years ago and will need my other eye operated on in the near future as I am down to 80% vision. 
Also I have some very rough skin on my nose. (I think it is from sun damage)/I have tried using castor oil for the last few months but no improvement yet. Anything else I can try to get smooth skin again?

When I fall to sleep and subsequently wake up in 15 minutes or several hours later in the middle of the night all of the joints in both hands are incredibly painful. Once I start to move them the pain starts to subside and is gone in about 2-3 minutes time? Any idea what could be the root cause of this. I was diagnosed with Cancer 6 years ago and have been treating it by my self with nutrition, specific supplements and clean water. I do not think it is related to the affliction however I could be wrong.

Dr. Jennifer Daniels, M.D. with a great two hours of conversation for you, September 28, 2020

'Dr. Jennifer Daniels – Taking Responsibility for Everything We Do: Health, Work, and Our Relationship with the Government – September 28, 2020' has no comments

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