Dr. Lisa Raskin
Ayurveda Practitioner & Holistic Chiropractor
Dr. Raskin, is a Chiropractor and one of a handful of practitioners worldwide personally trained by Vaidya Mishra in SVA. She utilizes these traditional methods and many others in her toolbox, to dig deeply into the root causes of health issues. Then she uses specialized pristine herbal remedies that repair and open the channels, and then gently detox which allows her clients to comfortably rebuild their health over time.
We learn about the Dosha’s Vata, Pitta an Kapha and ways to balance them
All toxins, be it thoughts or chemicals block energy flow
Lisa is a big fan of ghee and shows how it turns into the good stuff faster than any other food
There better times than others to eat certain foods
It is best to bring raw milk to a boil – add cinnamon and coriander for best digestion.
Lisa talks about epigenetics
A good everyday spice mix is: 1 part turmeric, 1 part cumin, 4 parts coriander, and 4 parts fennel
Lisa has recipes and lots of great information on her website and you can also do one on one
offering free detox guide here: www.somaradiantwellness.com
consultations. She offers a free 30 minute consultation for newcomers.
'Dr. Lisa Raskin | How to Release Pranic Energies for Health and Happiness| June 7, 2023' has no comments
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