Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, ND

Castor Oil Will Soon to Be Your Go-To for Everything


This grass roots topical treatment should be adopted as a regular health practice because it helps return the body to balance by enhancing its natural rhythm, coordinating the body’s regulatory systems and connecting you to your source. No matter what condition you are dealing with. From cancer to autoimmunity, and all other conditions in between, including an irritable bowel, which anyone with a chronic disease is likely dealing with.

There is so much more to learn about castor oil packs. Why not let Dr. Marisol, ND, teach you all about how amazing these health-promoting packs are. Plus, she will teach you about the countless beauty benefits castor oil provides, used by Goddesses, Empresses, and the Queen of the Thrones™ herself!

This wealth of information is coming straight from Dr. Marisol — she has traveled the world, read countless books, wrote one herself, struggled with an irritable bowel and constipation her whole life, and has set her sh*t straight with the help of her castor oil packs.

Become an expert with this introductory offer. Dr. Marisol’s Fit for a Queen program, is designed to teach you everything you need to know about castor oil and castor oil packs. You can pick which parts you want to learn as it’s divided into 5 easy and convenient modules:

  1. Dr. Marisol’s personal and professional experience with the oil
  2. The conventional medical use of castor oil
  3. The cosmetic uses of castor oil
  4. The natural health uses of castor oil
  5. The castor oil pack. This is transformational information at an affordable price that will change the way you operate and think about your health.

Dr. Marisol is here for you, to help you on your journey through the hills and valleys of becoming your legend. She is a world leader in natural medicine and an expert on gut health. She has experienced feeling sh*tty and figured out the hierarchy on how to get healthy. She has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars experimenting with what works and what doesn’t, and she bestows this all to you. She has been coronated as the Queen of the Thrones by her patients, as one of her passions is to educate people on their stools.

Those who have worked with her state, “Just do what Dr. Marisol says and you will get better.” Others have experienced her as the resource for pants-down honesty, delivered in layman’s terms, “I know Dr. Marisol delivers the truth.” She is the people’s queen and speaks your language. She leads you toward the light with a strong hand, that is supported by compassion, kindness and love. Dr. Marisol seeks to empower through education, to help you OWN your THRONE, not only in the bathroom but in your entire life.

Her educational conferences and programs help people that feel like frogs turn into their true princes and princesses. She champions you to become your legend. Join her in the movement to help you take charge of your kingdom so your life can be legendary. Help her to achieve her goal of being in 1 billion bathrooms by 2020. We can do it!


Show highlights:

We asked Dr. Marisol how she discovered castor oil

What is IBS and what causes it? Dr. Marisol has seen a huge emotional component with it

Food testing: We discuss different tests and the accuracy of them

The history of castor oil packs

Dr. Marisol tells us exactly how castor oil packs work and how the oil gets absorbed into the body

Visit Website

Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, N.D.on her research and use of castor oil packs with her patients, January 27, 2019


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