Dr. Mark Sircus

High Performance Health 

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some astounding medical and health-related books. Dr. Sircus’s methods are based on medical science and long years of clinical experience, not only his own but experiences of doctors from around the world who have been practicing brilliant medicine.

His books are heavily referenced, but the layperson finds little difficulty in understanding his presentation of medical topics. For many years Dr. Sircus has been researching into the human condition and into the causes of disease; he has distilled many of the divergent medical systems into a new form of medicine that he has coined Natural Allopathic Medicine.

Natural Allopathic Medicine represents a new therapeutic principle that revolutionizes both allopathic and naturopathic medicine offering a radical shift in medical thought and practice. Dr. Sircus’s protocol addresses foundational physiology. It focuses on pH management, cell voltage, magnesium and iodine medicine, cannabinoid medicine, carbon dioxide medicine, re-mineralization of the body, increasing oxygen transport and oxygenation of the tissues, opening up of blood vessels, saturation and healing of cells with concentrated nutrition via superfoods, breathing retraining, emotional transformation processing, detoxification and removal of heavy metals and radioactive particles.

The exciting part of Dr. Sircus’s protocol is that it is easy to learn and anyone can start implementing it even while being treated by other approaches. Secondly, with a recent medical breakthrough—a legalized form of medical marijuana now available throughout the world—Dr. Sircus’s protocol is entirely legal.

With the publication of Dr. Sircus’s Treatment Essentials book, which actually teaches people to put into practice this medical approach, anyone will now have access to the information that will enable them to take charge of their own health.

Dr. Sircus’s approach is humanitarian because it pays attention to the majority who cannot afford expensive medical treatments or pharmaceutical drugs. With the Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol, people with limited funds can make use of the top three medicinals mentioned above—magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and iodine—to inexpensively treat most health problems. Add breathing retraining, CBD, superfoods, vitamin C, plenty of water good enough to be called a medicine, enough sun, daily magnesium massages and one will improve or cure almost any ailment.

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Show highlights:

Dr. Sircus tells us how things are going there in Brazil during this lock down. Brazil’s economy is expected to collapse within 30 days

5G and radiation poisoning must be a piece of the puzzle; are they using the virus as a cover?

We need to start stocking up on magnesium, sulfur, sodium bicarbonate, iodine, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc

We also need to start learning how to breath slowly

Sodium bicarbonate should be a staple in your cupboard

Bath bombing – Got to Dr. Sircus’s site to learn how to make bath bombs

Preparing for the worst; having food and supplies is more valuable than money at this point

The FED can print all the trillions it wants but it won’t stop the sinking ship

If lock down is effective, then why is there such a high percentage of people being admitted in hospitals who have not been exposed to other people?

If your lungs are really getting infected and you’re low on oxygen, the best thing would be to breath hydrogen

Dr. Sircus tells us that he believes 9/11 was a self inflicted wound

and so much more!

Dr. Marc Sircus with an overview of opinions and insights into the World today, May 11, 2020

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