Dr. Randy Wysong

As If Thinking Matters

Solving the BIG Questions

Dr. Wysong (BS, DVM) is author of thirteen books, numerous scientific articles, and newsletters on the origin of life, philosophy, logic, self-improvement, fitness, nutrition, prevention, alternative holistic health, embryology, and surgical techniques. (Much of this work is catalogued at asifthinkingmatters.com.) He has practiced veterinary surgery and medicine, taught college courses in human anatomy, physiology, and the origin of life, directed research in health education and product development, guides the philanthropic non-profit Wysong Institute, and is an iconoclastic free thinker, natural health and fitness advocate, athletic competitor, and do-it-yourselfer. Contact is at: â€‹drwysong@asifthinkingmatters.com.

Dr. Wysong practiced veterinary medicine for 20 years and gave it up for he didn’t like the “Standard of Care” he was forced to use on the animals.

He discusses his views on vaccinations and diet for dogs and cats.

When discussing the germ theory with Patrick he wondered if there are no germs how is it that 25 dogs presented “Kennel cough” after introducing a dog with the issue?

Dr. Wysong’s research shows that there is no C19 virus, nor was one needed to create the fake pandemic. However, his experience tells him there are transmissible diseases but probably not the ones the government and Pharma promote to create fear, power, and profit.

He talks about his experience with the catholic religion and transmuting through many paths along the way to today

We asked him his views on the concept of sin and how it may have affected him.

The difference between belief, opinion and faith.

He says he can prove that we chose to be here on the earth plane

Patrick relates a story with a 12 year old many years ago describing clearly how she chose her parents when she “Was with God.”

Dr. Wysong shares throughout the show his thoughts on evolution and the big bang and creationism.

He does not believe God was responsible for the Bible.

Are we separate from God, or anything for that matter.

There were several big events whereby fossils simply begin

There appears to be solid proof there was a huge rain event on earth and what is called “The Mud Flood.”

Patrick and Dr. Wysong dig into the concept of time and the nonexistence of time

Who is behind the trans movement and why now?

We chat it up on the cosmology truth movement

the fact that got Patrick in is the science says the earth traveling and millions miles per hour and the stars are in the same place every year, and the north star never moves.  How is that possible?

The WHO preaches and believes that we are not Soul and we do not have free will to choose and create what we want

Patrick encourages Dr. Wysong to dig into the “No Virus” movement and he is going to do so

part one

part two

'Dr. Randy Wysong | Thoughts On Germs, Evolution, Cosmology, Religions and God | June 13, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. June 28, 2023 @ 8:24 pm Guyfranke

    For Randy:
    So in this “spirit world” described by the near death statistical data is there good and evil ? Is the “creator” an essence of good or evil or both ?
    Why do “spirits” need to chose to come to a physical reality called “Earth” to test themselves and become better spirits ? Better spirits to learn to do what or realize what ? …unconditional love ? maybe “unconditional love” is not in the spirit world and needs to be developed via the physical plane incarnation ? Interesting.
    Why don’t the “spirits” already understand “unconditional love” having come down to this physical plane from the “spirit world” ?
    Makes one wonder if spirits come already prepackaged with corruption and hate and envy and conniving greed because that’s what we have plenty of to spare down here on this physical earthly “spirit test” plane. Most religion dogmas aka philosophies speak of gloom & doom we must conquer ? …why like this I ask to the “spirits” walking around in the human suits ?

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