Dr. Rich Olree


Chlorine and Sulfur: The Two Most Important Minerals for Regenerating the Telomeres

Co Author of “Minerals for The Genetic Code”


Many diseases are a result of a mineral deficiency or a mineral toxicity. It’s very easy to have minerals out of balance. Supplementing with calcium for instance, may cause a magnesium deficiency, which in turn can cause heart disease. Too much fluoride can cause an iodine deficiency, which may result in diseases such as hypothyroid and breast cancer. High levels of aluminum can displace boron, and result in Alzheimer’s Disease.

Minerals play a crucial role when it comes to our DNA. Proper genetic expression is impossible if there are too many, or too little of any particular mineral. In other words, you need to have the right minerals in the right balance in order for your genes to produce healthy cells.

Dr. Richard Olree is a brilliant mineral and genetics expert, as well as a sought out chiropractor. He has studied the interactions of minerals for over 30 years, and has made some incredible discoveries. He has found that our genome calls for 64 minerals. If a trace mineral is unavailable to make the amino acid required by the DNA code, the human system will try another way, using a different set of amino acids and minerals. This can have profound impacts on health. ( Info found on Nutrition Therapy Institute)

Dr. Richard Olree graduated in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology degree and a Doctorate in Chiropractics .  He is currently a member of the Michigan Association of Chiropractors.   He is co-author of the book Minerals for the Genetic Code originally published in 2006 by Acres USA.  The book is now in it’s second edition and has sold more than 3,000 copies worldwide.  Dr. Olree’s contribution to the book focuses on a chart of the spine he developed that overlays the Standard Genetic Chart.

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Grass fed products have the highest source of high quality Omega Three’s…tied to pro youthing

Dr. Olree has been a chiropractor for 38 years and researcher on nutrition since he was 18

Cerebral Spinal fluid flows as the spine’s sublexations are adjusted

42 minerals are in this fluid, thus as the fluid flows more freely through chiropractic, stretching and body work and can affect over 7,000 gene expressions out of 20,000

Hair analysis can look clearly at most of the minerals in the body

Sulfur is needed for DNA repair

Sometimes uranium and arsenic are in ground water supplies

Often lead and mercury will be stored in the bones and the body’s magical way of protecting the bodily function

What Dr. Olree sees more than not actual nutritional deficiencies in his patients

we must have trace minerals to get genetic expression

The reason the body makes vitamins is so we can absorb minerals

Intermittent fasting absorbs the erratic DNA

The genetic code was discovered for rebuilding the telomeres (the youthing/aging metric) and Sulfur and Chlorine were found to be the Granddaddy’s of the Code..the top two.

One of the jobs of HCL in the stomach other than digestion is to kill off bad actors

A little Boron could be a good thing.  Tony P. mentioned a tiny amount of Borax is beneficial for many

Dr. Olree’s favorite salt is Redmond’s Salt

Emails asked and answered:  Any suggestions on reducing calcium accumulating in arteries? I have high vitamin K in blood, low vitamin d (33)I take magnesium citrate 400mg/day, Vitamin D 5000mg thorne mediclear SGS

What can help my spine especially my neck (C1, C2), which has twisted, and very hard to get adjusted by a chiropractor?

I have a friend that has congestive heart failure, & blood clots in legs, and lungs. Have any ideas how to clear these up?

Uranium is also present in Celtic sea salt and iron is present in various degrees in Himalayan salt, expressed by the color pink, red etc…

For someone who can’t or doesn’t want to supplement what are the best plants to get sulfur and chlorine in their body?

I’ve read and love your Minerals for the Genetic Code. How can I get a copy of “Minerals and Tumor Suppressing Genes”?


Dr. Richard Olree D.C. on minerals, sulfur, longevity and malnutrition..and more, April 9, 2018

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