Dr. Richard Massey

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation

Dr. Massey talks about Juneteenth holiday and some of his long lost relatives and slavery

Ne muses on commerce … how this country is all about commerce.

Pit one group against the other and then make money on supporting one to fight against the other.

Dr. Massey is keen on understanding the true biology of the body and how everyone is trying to get along

We have the idea of fighting going on in the body, but there is no separation, and the fight is only going on in our mind.

There’s absolutely no need to to try and kill something that we believe is trying to hurt us.

When the heart skips intermittently it is the idea that one is moving in and out of fear.

Fear appears to be at the center of all suffering.

Patrick recalls his IRS experience and overcoming the fear of going to jail.

When the baby cries the most beneficial move is to comfort him.  The medical model suggest otherwise, but Dr. Massey believes that is poor advice.

The baby is feeling the Mom’s discontent, cries so she will touch one another and all is well.

the Mother yearns to have her skin touching the baby as much as possible.

Dr. Massey tells the story of his great grandchild and the challenges he is having with his heart and what he is doing to help the baby heal.

Patrick relays a short story about his niece. Doctors operated on her unborn child and repaired his heart in utero.

Scott in Washington States asks a great question on his thyroid.  Go for the thyroid meds or do it on the spiritual level?

Patrick sees a past life experience to explain the intense pain he had with sciatica.

We talk about EBOO – a cool technology Patrick experienced in Marble Falls, Texas at a place called  “Roots”. It utilizes ozone in a creative way to clean up the blood.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is bringing out lots of stuff on the dangers of vaccines

Listener asks of curses can be harmful if put on someone.

Pfizer went to President Reagan in the 80’s and said they needed immunity to continue to manufacture vaccines. He gave them immunity.

Massey one

Massey Two

'Dr. Richard Massey | Fear and The Falsity of Separation Appear to Be Big Themes Today | June 19, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. June 21, 2023 @ 8:36 am Ron

    Patrick: the Soundcloud link is not available on the page. Thanks in advance.

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