Dr. Richard Massey

with Meridian Grace

Your Health Questions Answered

Staying Healthy Just For the Fun of It


Dr. Massey M.D. is one of the very few docs we know that gets the spiritual, mental and emotional side of healing and how our state of consciousness and our body are one

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine.
Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients. Since she was 14 years old, she knew that high quality life includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Tirelessly researching all these years, she integrates the wisdom of the ancients with the most up to date technology. She continually attends workshops, classes, and seminars to explore new ideas and technology in all aspects of the holistic health field. Meridian greets you with a compassionate listening heart.

[email protected]
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation
Call Meridian 512-698-7009


We discuss how the mind/brain/body system works with the initiation of mental/emotional trauma and the brain

We follow a hypothetical situation whereby we may be angry at an “Uncle Charlie” and see how it can play out

Conjecture is when these traumas get more hardened in, if you will, they may become part of the DNA and passed on to children and grandchildren.

The quickest way to heal is to live in peace with your self, primarily, and then with others.

Blessing a “potential” dangerous or uncomfortable situation yields it complexly harmless to us

Denise in Dallas calls and gives us and update on her MS challenges and talks about low dose naltrexone

Lenny asked about the PSA test and if he should be “worried” with a higher than normal reading

Ben calls in and talks about cavitations and his experience as Ben is going in to get one taken care of 

Believing a “Cancer” diagnosis is fatal, can be fatal

We have a good conversation on Fish Oil, mainly Cod Liver Oil

Meridian gives some good herbs for more silica in the diet

Here are a few emails asked and answered::

I have an older friend whose mother passed away but she has this fear of falling even though her health is OK . She and her mother were very close . She would like to wear 2 inch heels to go out but she’s afraid she’ll fall even though she… hasn’t fallen yet

I was just looking on youtube and there are at least 100 Richard Massey channels out there. Is Dr. Massey’s channel online yet? I watched the video of him giving a talk to a group that was linked on awakening health website. I was crying along with the doc with him in that part of the video. I love you guys and can’t wait to see you guys on video when you have your laughing sessions on Thursdays.

I eat lots of garlic..seriously..I love to cut up half a bulb at dinner and cook some and eat some raw. My honest friend tells me it is discernable by her nose.

I attribute it to keeping me healthy. I want health but don’t want to be offensive. Is there a trick to controlling garlic smell?Also..mosquito season is upon us.How can we prevent bites? A friend of mine never gets bitten so there must be a way to help my body chemistry make my blood less yummy for bugs. 

My late father I’m sure had some PTSD from World War 2,he couldn’t go back home to his country afterwards . I feel some of this still lives on and manifests with me today. How can I find and release these emotions or fears etc?

Is there a connection between different cancers and fungus and mold?
When someone gets a diagnosis of cancer, would it be good to get a test for mold and fungus?

Any idea as to how to thicken the hair shaft? Through the years I’ve noticed my hair is thinning…yet it amazingly stays long and brown tho I’m one year away from 70.

I had a test done that showed that I was very high in zinc and at that time, I was taking a lot of seeds of pumpkin, sunflower, flax and chia. They told me that it was all about balancing the minerals I ingest. Can Meridian explain how to balance mineral intake?

Dr. Richard Massey M.D. and Meridian Grace, having fun and talking about many cool ideas on staying well, April 25, 2019 ONE

Dr. Richard Massey M.D. and Meridian Grace, having fun and talking about many cool ideas on staying well, April 25, 2019 TWO

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