Patrick Timpone


Dr. Richard Massey

with Meridian Grace
Your Health Questions Answered

“Meridian and Dr. Massey are two of my favorite guests. They bring the funny out in Patrick. I love listening to Meridian’s soothing voice and all the laughter.” –Karen S.
Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine.
Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients. Since she was 14 years old, she knew that high quality life includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Tirelessly researching all these years, she integrates the wisdom of the ancients with the most up to date technology. She continually attends workshops, classes, and seminars to explore new ideas and technology in all aspects of the holistic health field. Meridian greets you with a compassionate listening heart.

Show Highlights:


-Ketosis burns fats and reduces inflammation. Meridian has found water fasting is reducing her blood sugars. Expert resource on ketosis is “Cancer as a Metablic Disease”, book by Thomas Seyfried.

-Ketosis is the missing link to paleo. Keto OS reduced her addiction to carbs.

-Coffee enemas clean the body through bile. Bile emulsifies fat; it is a precious substance that the body recycles. Use 2 caps activated charcoal an hour before enema to pull toxins out of bile so toxins don’t recirculate.

-Issues with gall bladder are an emotional issue. Dr. Massey explains how the liver, gall bladder, bile, and stomach acid work. A dark brown BM is good, means bile is being released. If stomach doesn’t make acid, it doesn’t squeeze hard, and poop is light.

-Donna asks about dry fasting, using the Master Fast system.

-Monica having issues after using nasal ozone for sinus issues. Homeopathic and other remedies for sinus infection. Recall healing says sinuses are a buried love issue. Balloon sinuplasty.

-Mark says getting in the parasympathetic state from sitting in a near infrared sauna helped lessen his procrastination. Asks about his wife’s tension headaches. Recommendation of peppermint oil on the temple and the point of pain.

-Nicotinamide riboside brought on his irregular heartbeat; taurine, magnesium, and CoQ10 to help that. Downside of excess glutamine supplementation turning into glutamate. Recall healing says irregular heartbeat would mean missing father’s love. Balance of sympathetic to parasympathetic needed.

-Be gentle in how we talk to ourselves.

-Put left hand on heart, put right hand over left. Say my heart is filled with love and understanding; it’s healing me now. Repeat, dropping deeper in each time. Deepen the groove of love.

-Try a salt pipe from Living Libations. Fill with essential oil and breathe.

-For air hunger, try a nebulizer with 30% hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver, or Resp-Aid. Shine a red near-infrared light on chest.

-How to stimulate appetite in a dog. Emulate diet of a wolf. Organic alfalfa caps. Offer separate bowls of different foods, add raw liver. In humans, cannabis stimulates appetite. Ken Rohla’s hemp paste is 100% CBD.

-Is Vitamin C contraindicated for a spinal block?

-Meridian had a Maryland Procedure – dental procedure to replace missing tooth. Doesn’t require grinding of adjacent teeth, just roughening for bonding to adhere. Resin bonding of wings to adjacent teeth. Wings can be metal or not – can instead use zirconium or reinforced porcelain for the wings. Good for front teeth replacement.

-Importance of the mother’s diet while pregnant for long-life of the child.

and more!


[email protected]
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation
Call Meridian 512-698-7009


dr richard massey m.d. and meridian grace with fun information on your health, february 23, 2017, part one

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