Dr. Rulin Xiu

Creator of Pearlcium, the Perfect Calcium 


Topic: The Magic of Real Pearls For Health and Beauty


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Dr. Rulin Xiu is a true anomaly. Although Dr. Rulin is a degreed physicist, her friends around the world know her for her infectious laugh and deep caring for everyone. At the tender age of 6, with zero training, Rulin had an uncanny (maybe mystical) ability to be drawn to exotic herbs in the remote region of the Qinling mountain range in China.

The Qinling Mountains host “The Cradle of Chinese Civilization” and are one of the most biologically rich temperate forests in the world. This exotic area supports a huge variety of plant and wildlife, some of which is found nowhere else on Earth!

Seven panda “villages” of 10 to 20 pandas each have been found to live here in stone cave communities in the mountains. In the midst of this exotic beauty, a little girl dumbfounded the adults…

The owners of herbal stores here couldn’t figure out how this innocent little 6-year-old girl would show up at their doorsteps to sell them the very precious herbs they wanted… but they bought them from her nonetheless!

Fast forward, Dr. Rulin founded Pharm East, Inc. in Washington DC. In 1999 she went on to establish Pharm China, a research, and manufacturing facility managed by her family in China. In 2002, she established Pharm East Hawaii, which quickly became Hawaii ‘s #1 noni producer in just over a year.

But this was just the beginning…. Fascinated by Chinese and Tibetan herbal medicine since childhood, Dr. Rulin now researches, studies, invents and develops unique herbal formulas, mainly based on ancient Asian medicine and modern research.

Since 1996, she has developed, licensed out and manufactured several patented, proprietary formulas. Some of these formulations are now among the best-selling in the natural products industry. While she respects traditional wisdom, Dr. Rulin strongly emphasizes scientific studies to test herbal healing effects, which is why her remedies are rooted in tradition, but backed by scientific validation.

Her search first led her back to her Asian homeland, where she began to discover new applications for many traditional and ethnic herbs. More importantly, she came to realize that the efficacy and safety of these herbs were based on factors that few companies paid attention to, such as where they grew, when they were harvested, how they were harvested, and how they were processed and packaged.

In order to assure that her formulas were manufactured to her exact potency, quality, and safety specifications, she set up two factories – one in China and one in Hawaii – to produce her unique health supplements.

Dr. Rulin is committed to combining science and traditional medicines in the formulation of the most effective natural remedies to help people live richer, happier lives. She also hopes to help local farmers and communities preserve their indigenous culture and environment through her work. She searches all over the world to find the most effective remedies for optimum natural health.

Dr Xiu has family in China and along with her personal visits insure the source for the pearls are pristine

She simply knew about various herbal formulas when she was six years old, suspect she brought in this information from a past life

Our life styles centered on work, fast movements, multi tasking etc. can block our intuitive sense of what to do for our body at any given time

Peralcium actually increases the body’s ability to produce stem cells inside and on the face

The Pearl has virtually the same DNA matrix as humans…that’ us

Pearlcium is an amazing product for the teeth and also internally for energy, as the body uses calcium in this way

several emails : I wonder if Dr. Zui has any thoughts on depression… my husband is on a generic Cymbalta pill…. he always seems miserable and constantly worries about everything

I get a dental cleaning every three months due to severe plaque buildup behind my bottom front teeth. My gums are also receding as well, I believe due to the severe dry mouth that I experience on a daily basis.

Does your guest have any advice on what I can do to reduce the plaque and grow back my gums? The dentist says I need to brush at least seven times a day, and his advice is not helping.


Dr. Rulin Xiu on her early interest in herbs an life long dream of having a very nice pearl product for people, August 22, 2019

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