Patrick Timpone


Dr. Sam Milham

Dirty Electricity, WiFi, Microwaves and Stray Voltage: How Our High Tech, Modern World Is Impacting Our Health

When Thomas Edison began wiring New York City with a direct current electricity distribution system in the 1880s, he gave humankind the magic of electric light, heat, and power; in the process, though, he inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box of unimaginable illness and death.

Dr. Milham warns that because of the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation from cell phones and towers, terrestrial antennas, Wi-Fi and Wi-max systems, broadband internet over power lines, and personal electronic equipment, we may be facing a looming epidemic of morbidity and mortality.

Dr. Milham joined us for a second visit to continue the conversation on ‘dirty electricity’. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? How can we create a healthier environment as we become more dependent on wireless technology? Dr. Milham shares some ideas and offers answers to even more questions.

Show Highlights:

-WiFi and cancer rates in schools

-Understanding stray voltage; the problem is, is that it’s not really ‘stray’, Dr. Milham explains

-Are your health problems caused by dirty electricity? Dr. Milham shares stories of deteriorating health. Ironically, hospitals have some of the highest levels of radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields

-What to look for when moving into a new apartment or house

-Listener question:I’m convinced that the rising incidence of certain illnesses and cancers across broad geographic regions parallels the increasing rise in EMF exposure. The planet has been turned into an open microwave system. It seems like there’s no place to hide. Many who are awakened to this awful reality feel trapped. What can we do when surrounded by hundreds of cell phone towers? Can you provide the listening audience with 5 practical recommendations for dealing with current EMF situation?

-Listener question:I see an EMF chart that lists the spectrum from ELF such as power lines start t 10, and go all the way to up to dangerous X ray and Gamma Radiation. Microwaves are located exponentially at 10/12 to 10/14.
Would Dr. Milham explain how this radiation disrupts our human biology?

-Listener question:I was wondering what Mr. Milham’s opinion on Solar panel, or getting all energy needs from solar panels and battery.Will the electricity coming out of the battery generate dirty electricity? Is there are practical way (which won’t cost a small mortgage), to make this electricity more safer?

and more!!

Sam Milham


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dr sam milham on dirty electricity, july 21, 2014

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