Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD

Author of 13 books including her most recent, The High Cholesterol Hoax and The High Blood Pressure Hoax


Dr. Sherry Rogers MD, is a Fellow of the American College of Allergy and Immunology and a Diplomate of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, (pictured at left) and has been in private practice for over 26 years. Dr. Roger’s is a member of the outstanding Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Health Staff, with regular appearances together with Frank Jordan on the HWW Radio Show.

Dr. Rogers lectures on her original scientific material worldwide, as well as giving advanced courses for physicians. She developed the Formaldehyde Spot Test and published her mold research in three volumes of the Annals of Allergy. She has published chemical testing methods in the National Institutes of Health Journal, Environmental Health Perspectives.

In addition, she has published multiple scientific articles, authored 13 books including her most recent, “The High Cholesterol Hoax,” “The High Blood Pressure Hoax”, “Detoxify or Die” and “Pain Free” and been environmental editor for Internal Medicine World Report. Dr. Rogers has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, in addition to Healthy, Wealthy and Wise and writes monthly articles for health magazines, plus her own newsletter, “Total Wellness.”

Dr. Rogers believes man has neglected one fundamental biological rule – to check and see if the organism is adapting to its new environment. She contends we are the first generation to be exposed to such an unprecedented number of chemicals. The work of detoxifying this intensive chemical exposure causes serious deficiencies. This maladaptation due to inability to adequately detoxify the body has resulted in chronic disease. But Dr. Rogers points out that disease is not a drug deficiency. The common goal of her current research projects is to help people adapt naturally in lifestyle changes and reverse chronic disease.


You can receive a 20% discount on Dr. Rogers excellent newsletter and her books at the website link below by mentioning One Radio Network


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Dr. Sherry Rogers M.S. Author of 15 books spends over an hour with us sharing lots of science on natural healing, May 21, 2018

'Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD – Detoxing, Heart Health, Magnesium, Glyphosates, and Much More – May 21, 2018' has no comments

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