Dr. Thomas Levy

Board Certified Cardiologist and Author of Hidden Epidemic and Rapid Virus Recovery

Dr. Levy is a board-certified cardiologist and a bar-certified attorney. After practicing adult cardiology for 15 years, he began to research the enormous toxicity associated with much dental work, as well as the pronounced ability of properly administered vitamin C to neutralize this toxicity. He has now written eleven books, with several addressing the wide-ranging properties of vitamin C in neutralizing all toxins and resolving most infections, as well as its vital role in the effective treatment of heart disease and cancer. Others address the important roles of dental toxicity and nutrition in disease and health.

Recently inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, Dr. Levy continues to research the impact of the orthomolecular application of vitamin C and antioxidants in general on chronic degenerative diseases. His ongoing research involves documenting that all diseases are different forms and degrees of focal scurvy, arising from increased oxidative stress, especially intracellularly and that they all benefit from protocols that optimize the antioxidant levels in the body. He regularly gives lectures on this information at medical conferences around the world.

He has now written 13 books including Hidden Epidemic and most recently Rapid Virus Recovery. You can download a free copy of these titles by clicking on the book name and filling in the form.

Dr. Levy lays out a protocol in his book, “Rapid Virus Recovery” for those who have had the injections

He says as a cardiologist he can not recommend anyone get the boosters as they are dangerous

The Spike Proteins are the issues with this entire experience

They are using high level Vitamin C IV’s to help people recover from the injections

It is inflammation of the hart muscles caused by the spike proteins

And the inflammation is systemic, not just localized in the heart.

Oxidation of the bio molecules are the cause of disease

Patrick tells his story of a failed root canal and his right eye going blurry 20 years ago and was saved by daily

Vitamin C IV’s.

Dr. Levy digs into the real issues with airlines manipulating the standards for the pilots to keep more pilots flying

He believes the adrenaline produced in the athletes we see falling over in videos is the conduit for the spike proteins to become fatal

Dr. Levy says all physicians have a professional and moral obligation to do research when patients present them with potential alternative

cures for issues. and that doctors can be sued on a personal basis for not exploring options.

Dr. Levy offers to send materials to interested people on the issues discussed on the show

His email address is     televymd@yahoo.com

'Dr. Thomas Levy | Cardiologist Explains How the Spike Proteins Are Causing Deaths from Myocarditis Infarction | February 7, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. February 16, 2023 @ 9:11 pm Frank

    How did you get televy@aldojdeluca??????

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