Dr. Will Cole


Author of  KETOTARIAN: The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation


Dr. Cole speaks a great deal on fasting, intermittent and all varieties.  Science shows when employed increases stem cells and also puts the autophagy function of the cells to work.  And this is a very good thing.


The ketogenic (“keto”) diet has taken the world by storm, as it promises to help followers lose weight, improve brain function, fight cancer, and much more. And with good reason: keto diets have been shown to reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic health problems by shifting your metabolism into a fat-burning powerhouse through intermittent fasting. The problem is that the average keto diet can lead to harmful eating habits and subpar nutrition. That’s where the expertise of leading functional medicine practitioner Dr. Will Cole comes in.

According to Dr. Cole, the standard keto diet’s focus on a low-carbohydrate, high-fat approach often causes dieters to prioritize macronutrients over food quality, leading them to consume an abundance of processed meats and artificial sweeteners—and even to avoid vegetables because they contain carbs. Traditional keto diets also largely exclude anyone preferring to eat a plant-centric diet, though these diets can also be flawed. Dr. Cole has found that most vegetarian patients are actually “carbitarians,” subsisting mostly on bread, pasta, beans, and vegan sweets, all in the name of living green.

Dr. Will Cole is a leading functional medicine expert specializing in thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, and brain issues. Dr. Cole graduated from Southern California University of Health Sciences as a doctor of chiropractic, and his extensive post-doctorate education and training is in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. Dr. Cole consults people around the world via webcam at www.drwillcole.com and locally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


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Here’s a different take on what we’ve learned about Keto diet, this doc offers ways to do it without animal food if one wishes.

Going into Ketosis with high fat and low carb causes a process called autophagy, whereby the cells clean themselves up eating up the bad actors…pretty cool.

Fasting of all kinds does the same thing, as well as lower inflammation

We spend some time with intermittent fasting that will give you a good idea on some of the options

We talk about how to do the keto thing with mostly plant foods

Dr. Cole suggests perhaps Earl Grey Tea while fasting because it has the oil Bergamot that reduces anxiety, inflammation and promotes autophagy as well

Bergamot essential oils can be used as well.

Intermittent fasting also builds hormones and increases human growth hormone production

Insulin resistance is explained clearly and its connection with plaguing of the arterial walls

Dr. Cole gives his numbers where he would like to see his patients present in blood tests:

Triglycerides  less than 100

Fasting Glucose less than 90

A1C  less than 5.4

Highly sensitive C Reactive Protein less than 1

Homoscystine levels  less than 7

Insulin Resistance is the number one cause of  atherosclerosis 

Test blood sugar at home before eating and then two hours after eating should be back to baseline

We get into all the autoimmune issues, often with low grade viral or bacterial infection


Dr. Wil Cole, D.D. and the pathway to a cleaner and almost vegetarian Ketogenic diet and more, January 10, 2019

'Dr. Will Cole – Author of  KETOTARIAN: The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation – January 10, 2019' has no comments

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