Will Falconer, DVM

Holistic Veterinarian

Vital Animals.
They smell good, feel soft and clean, and just exude energy. A bounce in their step, they are ready to play, run, climb and swim, but can also be content in the quiet moments of your life.

Let alone being free of illness, these guys just shine. Eyes bright and clear, teeth gleaming, light dancing off their coats, they are balanced in their every move, a joy to be around.

If you want animals like this, who share long years of vital life with you, you’ve come to the right place.

Dr. Falconer will guide you, if you’re willing to step off the beaten path with open eyes and a bold heart.

Your animals are counting on your choices to thrive.

Dr. Falconer was once a conventional veterinarian.

Here’s what he’s learned:


Sad and expensive results for animals, which may be avoided entirely.

He knows that old path and can guide you safely beyond it.


Show highlights:

Titer testing your animals to determine immunity before vaccinating

Side effects from rabies vaccine; minimizing ill effects of rabies vaccines

The toxicity of heartworm medicine

The best age to spay and neuter animals

Is a raw food that follows the 80/10/10 or whole prey model method an ideal food for a dog or cat to eat?

Most shelters will vaccinate. What is the best recommendation going forward after the shelter has vaccinated the animal?

Should we be concerned about tick bites on dogs?

Questions from a listener: 1) Does it reduce efficacy if 2 or 3 homeopathic medications are given simultaneously, then a small treat afterwards? 2) Do tinctures like CBD Oil work similarly, ie may it be given at the same time as 1 or 2 homeopathic drops? 3) Do you recommend milk thistle for detoxification, and how much how often for a medium sized dog?

Question from a listener: What remedy/posology to ease and root out constant licking of all 4 paws (most of the hair has been licked off) in this unprecedented wet spring resulting in longer grass (chemical free) . 11 yr old terrier has not been inoculated w/any vaccines since adoption 2 yrs ago

Can anything be done for a dog that has had high post acid bile results?

Dealing with fleas and ticks naturally

Dr. Will Falconer D.V.M give us his insights with 40 years experience as a holistic Vet, if, when and how to vaccinate our pets, June 2, 2020

'Dr. Will Falconer, DVM – Caring for Your Pets: Vaccines, Titers, Diet & More – June 2, 2020' has no comments

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