Dr. William Wong

‘The Vaccine’, & How It May Affect Menstruation, Hormones, Etc

Texas Complimentary and Alternative Medical Association professional member and World Sports Medicine Hall of Fame member, Dr. William Wong is a Classical Naturopath, a PhD. Exercise Physiologist, Certified Athletic Trainer (AATA), Certified Sports Medicine Trainer (ASMA), Old Rite Catholic Priest and Health/Fitness Consultant. 

Dr. Wong has more than 38 years of professional experience in natural health as applied to Sports Medicine, rehabilitation and nutritional supplementation. The last 20 years of which have been primarily devoted to the understanding, application and teaching of Systemic Enzyme Therapy (SET). Having studied SET techniques in- both the US and Germany, Dr. Wong is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost experts in the application of SET use in modern medicine. In the 1990’s, he taught Physical Medicine at the South West College of Naturopathic Medicine. In 1993, Dr. Wong was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame as Wing Chun Kung Fu Instructor of the Year and in 2004, after 37 years in the Martial Arts, he achieved the rank of Grand Master from the Soke (Grand Master’s) Council and was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy in Martial Arts.

Dr. Wong has authored books on natural healing and on sports medicine. His shorter writings have appeared in such diverse magazines as G.Q., Black Belt, Survival Guide, The Townsend Letter for Doctors, Well Being Journal, BeautyWalk.com e-zine, and Healthy Options magazine in New Zealand. He has been a guest on over 2000 national and local radio programs, and has appeared on the nationally acclaimed PBS series Healthy Living hosted by Jane Seymour and Heartbeat of America hosted by William Shatner.

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Patrick met naturopathic doctor William Wong 20 years ago, and he’s been a frequent guest on One Radio Network.

Dr. Wong talks about his many injuries, including being hit by a vehicle at 7 years old, and getting 5 cervical fractures.

Patrick and Dr. Wong discuss jogging and running. Running more than 3 miles a day 3 times a week gets people into trouble. Jim Fixx is a case in point. “More is only better in sex and money,” says Dr. Wong.

What’s the best exercise for your body without ruining your knees or without dropping dead?

Patrick asks about interval training. What’s the best interval ratio?

Dr. Wong describes his natural progesterone from Mexican yam. What’s the advantage of rubbing it on your forehead?

What can men and women do when they have “south of the border” problems? Why is luteinizing hormone important?


Why is dopamine the hormone of lust and desire? How does maca boost libido, and what does ashwagandha have to do with it?

What’s good for postpartum depression? What herbs can be used to treat it?

Patrick and Dr. Wong talk about Dr. John Bastyr and Bastyr University. How has Bastyr’s curriculum changed?

What does Dr. Wong think about the Texas “Constitutional Carry” law, where Texans can carry a handgun, either openly or concealed, without a license or permit and without testing?

“It’s only back-easters and liberals who freak out about it,” replies Dr. Wong, “The more guns, the less crimes.”

Dennis writes in, “Will your enzyme protocol work for adverse affects from the jab?”

Do magnets stick to a fresh Covid injection? Are nanobots or ferro-fluids involved?

The vaccines are causing blood clots, but why are they happening in the brain? Can these vaccines cross the brain-blood barrier?

A listener ask about Dr. Wong’s Parkinson’s Disease. He was diagnosed with it in 1999, and used enzymes and EarthPulse therapy (6 Hertz) to keep it from progressing.

A listener asks about atrial fibrillation of the heart.

Why are magnesium IV drips so beneficial? Can you manufacture your own magnesium ascorbate in your stomach by taking magnesium oxide with vitamin C?

What’s the difference between elemental and chelated minerals?

Shannon writes in about what to do for lost libido after 40.

What does luteinizing hormone have to do with menopause and andropause? What causes testicular failure and ovarian failure?


Atom writes in, “The ‘shedding’ is often caused by transmissable vaccines  (self-disseminating vaccines.) See the Aug. 19, 2020, New Scientist article, ‘We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves.'”

Dr. Wong predicts that the growing Red State-Blue State divide will result in secession. Washington, Oregon, and part of northern California have much in common. Northern Mexico wants to separate from Southern Mexico.

“Bastille Day is coming!,” predicts Dr. Wong. A group of 120 U.S. Generals are concerned that Biden is going Communist.

The Covid vaccines have caused more damage than all the viruses of the past 20 years combined.

What does Covid have in common with Lyme and Mad Cow Disease?

What killed José Baselga, an AstraZeneca R&D head, at the age of 61?

A listener asks about treating Covid with Ivermectin. Farmers are using the same form of the drug they use to treat their cattle, available at any farm supply store.

Dr. William Wong, Vaccines, Shedding, Hormones, exercise and more, fun show, May 11, 2021

'Dr. William Wong – Sex, Hormones, the Covid Vaccine, Enzymes, & More Great Health Talk – May 11, 2021' has no comments

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