Tin Foil Hat Wednesday

Hair raising topics that’ll make your head explode

Dr. Young-hae Chi

Aliens Are Walking Among Us


According to Dr. Young-hae Chi, alien visitors are here on Earth and are breeding with humans to create a superior “hybrid” species.


Dr. Chi is from South Korea, so a as a desert question at the end of the show we asked his take on the whole “North Korean” meme in the news of late.


Dr. Chi has been interviewing abductees  for twenty years in and out of hypnosis and believes these people truly did experience being taken aboard alien space craft

Many of the abductees talk of being prodded in the genital area as these aliens are keen on learning of our reproductive system

The majority of abductees describe the Alien race involved as what are known as “Greys”

The Greys told many of the abductees that The Planet Earth was in Danger 

He believes most were actually taken in their physical body and returned to the bed

He said aliens live among us, some in another reality that they can easily come back an forth

He’s come to the conclusion that there have been and are hybrid Human/Aliens waling among us today

Dr. Young Ha-Chi on Alien abductions as he’s interviewed many abductees over twenty years, May 22, 2019

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