Patrick Timpone

Ellie Drake

BraveHeart Women

Living Joyously, Harmoniously, Prosperously and Blooming Where You Are Planted

BraveHeart Women is an online Women’s Community comprised of hundreds of thousands of women from all walks of life.

Entrepreneurs, professionals, artists, healers, stay-at-home mothers, musicians, educators — all are members of this collaborative, global community!

For years, BraveHeart Women have fine-tuned and enhanced a wide variety of transformational tools and formulas designed specifically to assist women in recognizing, honoring and fulfilling their true personal, professional and global purposes here on this planet. They have developed programs to encourage living joyously, harmoniously and prosperously. They have also created global online and offline platforms to bring women together on this amazing path to be, create and collaborate. BraveHeart Women worldwide are recognizing the incredible inherent power that lies dormant within each of us. Most importantly: They are demonstrating as we tap into this innate power and connect in the authentic spirit of collaboration, that the results are truly magnificent.

The BraveHeart Women Global Community is a shining example of the evolution of women on our planet. Our anchoring energy of “Be, Create, Collaborate” is enhancing our lives. BraveHeart Women is an organism, not an organization. We are a living, breathing, ever evolving community of female visionaries and there are no executives deciding on what will benefit them. We are simply a community of women shining our light on the path for ourselves and others while making decisions that are in true alignment with the highest good of our humanity and our planet… We want to succeed to expand our Vision of community, oneness, and collaboration… and we are courageously and vulnerably continuously stepping forward and onward to ripple just that…Your BraveHeart Sisters welcome you into a community of women who care, are committed, and are taking inspired actions to ripple ever higher vibrations of love and courage…

Ellie Drake

Show Highlights:

-Females tend to operate with the male hormone; what does Ellie mean by this?

-How the power of positive thinking works more for men; this method doesn’t work as well with women

-Competition works for men, but ‘healthy competition’ does not work for women. Ellie explains how it affects women energetically

-Ellie tells us about Brave Heart Women and how it got started

-Stimulating oxytocin using harmony circles

-Ellie shares a breathing technique to stimulate more oxytocin

-The 6 principles Ellie pays attention to concerning trust

-Remaining in a state of oxytocin as opposed to adrenaline

-Ellie shares details of a free webinar you are invited to

-Blooming where we are planted instead of looking for a better garden

and so much more!!!

Visit Website

ellie drake and brave heart women, december 10, 2015

'Ellie Drake – Living Joyously, Harmoniously, and Prosperously; Blooming Where You Are Planted – December 10, 2015' has no comments

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