Ferdinando Pisani Massamormile, MS

International Research Consultant for FAIM(Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine)

Creating a Revolution in Worldwide Healthcare


The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) was launched with a mission to identify breakthrough complementary and alternative therapies and to research and report on their effectiveness.

FAIM’s mission also places importance upon the affordability of treatments in the belief that the world needs cost-effective solutions to bring health to the greatest number of people.

FAIM is headquartered in Loveland, CO. In its first nine years of existence, it has identified and evaluated more than 200 clinics from 20 countries offering complementary and alternative treatments. The information FAIM collects is shared with the scientific community through an international network of contacts and conferences.

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Mr. Pisani tells of his adventures and insights on doing a Ayahuasca what he says was a transformative experience

There are over 2,700 herbs in the pharmacopoeia in the region of Peru 

Heavy metal poisoning appears to be quite prolific throughout the word

The role of infrared and sweating in the body’s ability to heal

He spoke of Effects of Far-Infrared and Terahertz Onnetsu Therapy on Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Diseases

Mr. Pisani tells the story of his son, a tumor, a natural bacteria in his body, dispensing with the tumor


Ferdinando Pisani on new technologies and creative ways to determine the issues in the body, August 22, 2019

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