Fred Dashevsky

The Real World of Money

Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to the east coast in 1989 and opened Hilton head office for SDL Inc. in 1991 with partner Andrew Gause. He has since opened his own business, U.S. Coin Capitol. Give him a call for your numismatic gold investments 800.878.2646


Hear and see the video of a Sunday night fifty years ago as Americans were watching the most popular TV show in the land at the time, “Bonanza:” and Ole’ Dick Nixon comes on and tells people  that no longer can anyone, anywhere exchange their paper dollars for gold.
This is the beginning of the real fiat currency, money expansion and long term loss in buying power we’ve experienced since that day.
The USG stopped Americans from exchanging their gold  in 1933 under the premise of we’ve just been through this depression and we need to shore of the dollar so they mandated that American’s turn in their gold and actually made owning gold illegal.
Of course they really had no authority to do this but got away with it because this was before the internet..
In 1971 USG said no one could exchange their dollars for gold regardless of where they are in the world.
Many, many countries had load of dollars because in 1944 as the spoils of war the Dollar Inc. folks made it mandatory that oil could only be sold in dollars.
So, when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard well all hell broke loose.  You may remember the Arab Oil embargo.  That’s what it was about, the dollar and no gold backing.
JFK printed United States Notes, ( a limited amount) and Silver Certificates right out of Treasury bypassing the private FED and many assassination scholars believe this is one of the reasons “They” murdered Kennedy in broad daylight.
Nixon’s actions fifty years ago is what truly started the trade and currency wars that go on today.
We dig into the entire inflation scenario and Fred believes that there’s simply no way on God’s green earth that we will not see massive inflation of the money supply and thus higher prices, perhaps more than the massive surge in prices experienced in the 70’s.
It’s important to understand that regardless of where your money is stored…stocks…bonds…cash in banks or under your mattress, the only that is truly relevant is what it will buy six months, a year or five years from now.
This is why we recommend a generous portion of your assets be in gold and silver coins.

Fred talked about a special on two ten dollar told pieces and 600 dimes, a limited package that he suggests first time buyers look seriously at getting
His number at U.S. Coin capital is 800.878.2646  Talk to Fred, Donna or Roger.

'Fred Dashevsky and The Real World of Money – Fifty Years Ago This Week Nixon Took the Dollar Off the Gold Standard – August 4, 2021' has no comments

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