Fred Dashevsky

The Real World of Money

Where is all this money the government is spending coming from?

Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to the east coast in 1989 and opened Hilton head office for SDL Inc. in 1991 with partner Andrew Gause. He has since opened his own business, U.S. Coin Capitol. Give him a call for your numismatic gold investments 800.878.2646

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Show highlights:

The FEDs balance sheet will be about 10 trillion after this crisis

If it’s funny money, why does the amount matter? The money has been created out of thin air

How is this crisis different from ’08-’09?

The FED is on the largest buying spree in history

We will be seeing higher interest rates with the debt load

Fred explains QE

Fred tells us that he doesn’t think we’ll go into negative interest rates

A listener wants to know if cryptocurrency will ever replace the dollar

How much more downside on the stock market?

A listener wants to know what to do with their 401k

Why having tangible gold and silver is so important for growing and especially preserving wealth; the 2 sides of the numismatic world

Is this the big one in terms of economic crashes? Fred doesn’t think so

and so much more!

The Real World of Money with Fred Dashevsky, April 15, 2020. ONE

The Real World of Money with Fred Dashevsky, April 15, 2020. TWO

'Fred Dashevsky and The Real World of Money – Where’s All the Magic Money Coming From? – April 15, 2020' has no comments

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