Fred Dashevsky

The Real World of Money

Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to the east coast in 1989 and opened Hilton head office for SDL Inc. in 1991 with partner Andrew Gause. He has since opened his own business, U.S. Coin Capitol. Give him a call for your numismatic gold investments 800.878.2646


Fred Dashevsky is the owner at US Coin Capitol LLC. He lives “on a lovely little island on the southern tip of South Carolina.”

Fred is the former partner of Andrew Gause, who is “gone but not forgotten.”

Patrick and Fred reminisce about Andy. How did Fred meet Andy? What about Patrick?

How is the entire economy being driven by the Federal Reserve? By how much did the Fed expand the money supply in just the last year?

The Fed is so tired of hiding their money printing, Fed officials are now quite open about it. “Inflation does not matter. We’ll be ready to deal with it when it happens,” according to the Fed Chairman.

Is the general population aware of the Fed’s shenanigans, or are they too dumbed down by now?

Fred gives examples of society’s declining intelligence. American’s were asked, “Who won the Civil War?,” and the answer was, “Germany.” They were asked, “What year was the War of 1812?,” and they didn’t know.

Today, company’s valuations are quoted in the trillions. Why is Biden called The Six Trillion Dollar Man?

Is the CPI index a true reflection of today’s inflation? Fred offers an excellent explanation of how the increase in the money supply and the GDP affect inflation.

The Fed thought that by lowering interest rates to zero percent, it would stimulate the economy. Why didn’t it? What happened?

Now that the Fed can no longer reduce interest rates, what did they come up with? Europe has negative interest rates. Is this going to happen in the U.S.?

How are stimulus packages affecting the U.S. dollar? Why are the prices of collectibles going through the roof?

Lance phones in, asking, “What happens if digital currency is instituted, and how will it affect the price of gold and silver?” Fred replies, “The short answer is, ‘Yes,’ It’s a pretty interesting story, and let me just walk you through it.”

Patrick says that the St. Louis Fed has discontinued printing statistics because they don’t want anyone to realize that the deficit is greater than the GDP. How is it that the U.S. can get away with it, and Greece couldn’t?

Lance phones in again, asking, “What happens when the government puts us on digital currency, and our access to money will depend on our social credit score? How will this affect the way we conduct commerce and our financial privacy?”

Will we even know how much the dollar is being devalued when we have digital currency?

Fred recommends that we protect our savings through diversification. What does he mean by this? Will it increase our purchasing power?

Many are investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Do they have intrinsic value as do gold and silver? Bitcoin gives us privacy, but what will happen if the government regulates it?

Are cryptocurrencies comparable to the Dutch tulip craze? “Bitcoin has zero value. It’s just a marketing price.”

What does Charlie Munger think of Bitcoin?

A listener asks, “Only generalities seem to be said about the Rothschild family. What percent of the Fed do they own, and specifically what Rothschild bank or banks are involved?”

Will the market ever crash? “Only if they run out of zeroes,” according to Andy Gause.

Fred Dashevsky and this month’s The Real World of Money, May 5, 2021

'Fred Dashevsky – How Is the Entire Economy Being Driven By the Privately Owned Federal Reserve? – May 5, 2021' has no comments

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