George Altgelt

 Preparing Your Winter Garden 

Growing Vegetables indoors this winter

Growing Veggies in a green house

Getting the best ratio and utilization of minerals

Productive things to do now for your outside garden

George studied Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at The University of Texas, Austin and started Austin’s first organic nursery in 1971 before organic was cool. He has considerable knowledge in all areas of food production, including the proper care and feeding of animals for food. He has a deep understanding of the principals of agriculture and nutrition. We think you’ll find George a delight to spend time with.

George talks about the very beginnings of Whole Foods in Austin in the 70’s

Fish Emulsion and minerals in your vegetables

The history of Bison and Cattle on the environment

How glyphosates is being used on all non organic, non GMO wheat i

Tree planting primer

The necessity for extra sulfur in our diet

The complete story on Neonicotinoids, and their relationship with pollination…it ain’t pretty

Bees and their ability to get into chemical laden plants

Hear some ideas on how to grow herbs and veggies indoors this winter

Magnesium for foot cramps and the necessity of a little Boron every day

George’s opinion on Vitamin C and interesting science on the role in C in all species

Beets can repair genetic damage

George says if their is excess Carbon in the atmosphere, the issue can be solved in a few years with proper agriculture.

How to make soil fluffy and turning clay soils into usable soil

The keys and methods to proper PH of your soil

George Altgelt on soil building, growing inside, mineralization and much much more, November 7, 2017 ONE

George Altgelt on soil building, growing inside, mineralization and much much more, November 7, 2017 TWO

'George Altgelt – Growing Food In Winter; From Sowing to Harvest – November 7, 2017' has no comments

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