BREAKING: Leaked Google Documents Link Holocaust Denial, Vatican-Alien Conspiracy, Etc. with Vaccine Safety Questions


A new investigative report reveals that Google has been classifying searches such as “do vaccines cause autism” as “fringe queries” alongside searches that include Holocaust denial, Pizzagate, the Vatican’s knowledge of aliens, and so-called “false flag” shootings. 

A new report by James O’ Keefe features the video testimony of a Google insider by the name of Zachary Vorhies who reveals that Google has been actively censoring certain search queries and websites that contain information that run counter to Google’s singular narrative of Truth. 

In the leaked screenshot below, Google identifies the search query “do vaccines cause autism” to be targeted for algorithmic censorship, alongside seemingly more outlandish queries such as “vatican knows about aliens,” which strangely appears to be true, based on a Podesta email leak that received mainstream media coverage. 

Google knowingly uses this information to adjust their algorithms in order to “program people.” 

As we’ve explored in recent articles, such as “How Google Uses Mind Control Tactics to Promote Pro-Vaccine Industry Propaganda,” Google’s autocomplete function which populates search user’s query fields with suggestions is already manipulated to generate suggestions that deny the actual search volume traffic for various vaccine related inquiries. The example below is the actual search volume of two search queries “vaccines cause adults” versus “vaccines cause autism.” Whereas the first search is suggested via Google’s autocomplete function, the latter search is actually performed far more often, even though it does not come up as a suggestion at all — clear evidence that Google is pushing a specific narrative about vaccines and suppressing another.

This censorship issue extends to the entire natural health sphere, as we reported on June 26th in our article: “Breaking: Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites from Its Search Results; Whistleblower Explains How and Why.”

The new Project Veritas report features hundreds of leaked internal Google documents categorized across the following subjects: 

  • Censorship

  • Politics

  • Fake News

  • Leadership Training

  • Machine Learning Fairness

  • Partisanship

  • Psychological Research

  • Music and Video

  • Everything

In our previous reporting, we’ve identified that both Google and Bing have targeted natural health and vaccine choice advocacy by both manipulating search engine suggestions and removing their websites from search results. Below is a timeline of our investigation into these subjects excerpted from my Founder’s Statement which looks at the overarching problem we and similar sites like ours now face: 

Recent Censorship Timeline:

  1. Dec. 13th, 2018: Pinterest Bans GreenMedInfo for Posting Natural Health & Vaccine Safety Info, despite allowing minors access to pornographic and violent content.

  2. May 15th, 2019: Gates Foundation Funded “Fact-Checker” (POLITIFACT) Censors GreenMedInfo on Facebook for Reposting Accurate Vaccine Meme.

  3. June 19th, 2019: Mailchimp Shuts Down GreenMedInfo’s Newsletter for “Anti-Vaccine” Content

  4. June 24th, 2019: Google Censors Websites like (and GreenMedInfo) Providing Natural Health Information.

  5. June 26th, 2019:  INVESTIGATION: Google Manipulates Search Suggestions To Promote Pharma, Discredit Natural Health

  6. June 26th, 2019:  GOOGLE: “Organic is a Lie, Supplements are Dangerous, Chiropractic is Fake,” and Other Thoughts They Want You To Think

  7. July 1st, 2019:  Did Google’s Manipulation Sway Vaccine Legislation?

  8. July 28th, 2019:  Google Takes Position in Controversial Vaccine Safety Debate

  9. July 31st, 2019:  How Google Uses Mind Control Tactics To Promote Pro-Vaccine Industry Propaganda

  10. August 3rd, 2019: “Antivaxxers Are Killers” Programmed Into Microsoft’s BING Autosuggest – Is this Hate Speech?

If the recent scaling up of censorship against natural health and health freedom promoting websites concerns you, please consider becoming a member of our 100% user-supported, independent media and natural health advocacy database. You can also make a donation here. If you do not have the means to support us in this way, you can share our free resource via social media or forward it to others via email. This goes a long way in breaking through the de-boosting and outright censorship we are facing today. 

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