In Memory of Charlotte Gerson, a Woman Who Contributed So Much to the Natural Health Movement 


We were very saddened to hear about the passing of Charlotte Gerson. She not only continued promoting the work of her father, The Gerson Therapy for Cancer, she lived what she taught, enjoying vibrant health, making it to almost 97 years old. We had the pleasure of having her on our show years ago.

If you are not familiar with her or Gerson Therapy, please take the time to learn. This information could put you on a path to great health and possibly save a life of someone you love. Check out The Gerson Institute below to learn more.

From The Gerson Institute

It is with heavy hearts that we mourn the passing of Charlotte Gerson, who passed away peacefully on February 10, 2019 at her home in Italy.

Charlotte was a sharp, charismatic, caring and passionate woman who forged a path that contributed to the movement in health and where it is today. In the late 1970s she founded the Gerson Institute as a vehicle to continue her father’s brilliant work by keeping his book in print. Little did she know that this very action would make such a big impact on the world.

Her message of hope and empowerment resonated with people from all walks of life in all corners of the globe, and her tireless work to give a voice to the hopeless sparked a movement to walk a path less traveled, a path that she pioneered.

The testament to Charlotte Gerson’s memory is in what we say today: a vibrant, dynamic, growing community working towards a healthier future for all.

Our hearts are with Charlotte’s family, friends, and loving supporters.

Condolence and Sympathy cards are welcome at the below address:

The Gerson Institute
Attn: Anita Wilson, Executive Director
PO Box 161358
San Diego, CA 92176


'In Memory of Charlotte Gerson, a Woman Who Contributed So Much to the Natural Health Movement – February 11, 2019' have 6 comments

  1. February 12, 2019 @ 7:13 am Jason

    Thank you for this, very helpful and great to share with others.


  2. February 12, 2019 @ 8:41 am Stan Johnson

    I met Charlotte in 1996 and was very pressed with her caring attitude she belied her age and had very nice skin. She was one of my heroes

    Stan Johnson England UK


  3. February 12, 2019 @ 2:31 pm Dessa Stone-Pividal

    She was a blessing to the World of Holistic Health & Healing. She and her father’s work will continue to help mankind when we finally realize we cannot cure anything without detoxing and building the body back up! She is a true hero of our time!


  4. February 12, 2019 @ 4:56 pm Ania

    She was an amazing woman! So much passion! Such a great example! God bless her soul. Thank you Charlotte for her contributions for humanity! Ania


  5. February 13, 2019 @ 3:55 pm amy surrena

    What a beautiful person she was and what a beautiful gift she left. Her heartprint will be felt for generations! Thank you Charlotte! Bless you in your new hOMe!


  6. February 23, 2019 @ 4:10 am Stanley Johnson

    I met Charlotte in 1997 in England. She was a wonderful compassionate intelligent woman. I shall always treasure meeting her.


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