Patrick Timpone


Jayson B. Calton, Ph.D.and Mira Calton, CN

Authors of Rich Food, Poor Food


The Caltons are among the world’s leading experts on the topics of weight management, lifestyle medicine and micronutrient deficiency. Their high success rate working with adults and children to achieve sustainable weight loss and reverse health and disease conditions has made their consultancy highly sought after by celebrities, athletes and top corporate executives around the world. It is their belief that becoming micronutrient sufficient is the first step towards preventing and reversing many of today’s most prevalent health conditions and diseases.

In their first book, NAKED CALORIES, the Caltons revealed the importance of choosing the most micronutrient RICH FOODs. Now they make these foods even easier to identify, making sure you leave the checkout with a cart full of health enhancing essential vitamins and minerals. This indispensable grocery store guide takes you aisle by aisle, from the produce section to the pasta aisle, visiting every department in between, teaching you how to identify potentially problematic ingredients including hormones, pesticides and GMOs, as well as sharing tips on how to lock in a food’s nutritional value during preservation and preparation. Regardless of age, dietary preference or current health, RICH FOOD, POOR FOOD turns the grocery store and farmers market into a micronutrient pharmacy—filling your shopping cart or reusable Limited Edition RICH FOOD, POOR FOOD Shopping Tote with a natural prescription for better health and longevity.

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jayson and mira calton, rich food, poor food, march 5, 2013

'Jayson B. Calton, Ph.D.and Mira Calton, CN – Rich Food, Poor Food: The ULTIMATE Grocery Purchasing System(GPS) – March 5, 2013' has no comments

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