Patrick Timpone


Jeanne Segal, Ph.D.

International Authority on Emotional Intelligence, Author, and Co-Founder of Nonprofit (with 65 million viewers in 2013)

Feeling Loved:Finding Happiness in an Overstressed World

Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. distills decades of research on human emotion taking us into the heart of what makes life satisfying and gives us specific tools for replacing stress with the capacity to actually FEEL loved.

“Feeling Loved” helps those who don’t feel loved, or know how to make others feel loved, overcome the obstacles to getting what they need. The book makes the distinction between being told we are loved and actually feeling loved. The hormones released in the experience of feeling loved are nature’s antidote to stress. Feeling loved is no less than a survival need affecting our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. The book also examines the obstacles modern men and women face in their efforts to feel and make others feel loved. These obstacles include our obsession with technology, our overdependence on emotional medications and our preference for connecting with thoughts rather than feelings.

“In our plugged-in, fast-paced world we’ve lost the lasting satisfaction that comes with the experience of feeling loved,” notes Segal. “This is not just something we want—it’s something we need to beat stress, stay well, connect to others, and find happiness.”

Jeanne Segal

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jeanne segal, feeling loved, april 1, 2014

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