Jessica ter Haar, Ph.D.

Microbes Expert

Jessica ter Haar, Ph.D., is scientific director of the International Probiotics Association and says many of us are living in that proverbial protected bubble that we previously condemned, and with good reason (due to COVID-19), but will all this clean living and social distancing cause future problems for our health?
Microbes expert, ter Haar says while we sterilize everything to protect ourselves from the virus, at the same time by not exposing ourselves to germs we are weakening our body’s own natural defenses to everyday threats. She says many microbes are indeed good for your health, while others can make us sick. Knowing the difference between the most popular micbrobes, bacteria, fungi and viruses can help us get back to living life without fear.

Science shows clearly that the more microbes babies and little ones come in contact with, the healthier they are long term

Social distancing and sheltering in place is making people more susceptible to bacteria, fungus and viral infections.

We are exchanging microbes with everyone, everything all the time and this is how the immune system is strenghted.

The literature shows that babies and little ones who live with pets are healthier overall because of the introduction of more varied microbes from the dogs and cats.

There are beneficial probiotics and their are probiotics that don’t work that well.

The Science overwhelming shows that good, viable probiotics are quite beneficial to the entire gut microbiome.

Kissing is a nice way to share microbes.

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Jessica Ter Har, PhD on probiotics and sharing microbes is a healthful choice. September 29, 2020

'Jessica ter Haar, Ph.D. – Surviving and Thriving In Our New Germophobic World – September 29, 2020' has no comments

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