Patrick Timpone


John Matthews

Gun/Public Safety and Mass Shootings Expert and Author of Mass Shootings: Six Steps to Survival


John Matthews has written three books on the topic of school/public safety and mass shootings, and studied–extensively–the country’s last 40 (FORTY!) mass shootings, John is the pre-eminent expert as well as a highly-decorated 30-year law enforcement veteran. Mr. Matthews leads the Community Safety Institute in Dallas and has written scores of gun safety initiatives for the federal government.

Show Highlights:

-Gun bans are political agendas and have no impact on mass shootings

-Mental health and the role in mass shooting

-Are you really safer with a gun?

-The best ways to store a gun

-The worst attack on a school was in 1927

-Should teachers be armed?

-The importance of gun safety training

-Having a plan in case of robbery, fire, storms, etc

and much more!

Visit Website



john matthews on mass shootings and gun safety, april 22, 2013

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