Patrick Timpone


John Shufeldt

Author of The Ingredients of Outliers

“What separates outliers from others is more about humility, perseverance and attitude than intellect and what the world obliges you.”

A life-altering guide packed with accounts from John’s personal endeavors, those of historical figures and influential acquaintances. This quintessential handbook exposes the x-factor, that extra something, which unleashes the potential in all of us. Ingredients of Outliers is a compilation of thoughts, tips and techniques that will guide you toward finding the ingredients in the “secret sauce” that makes an individual go from average to extraordinary and will inspire you to step outside your comfort zone to join the ranks of the outliers .

Show Highlights:

-What is an Outlier? Why is is that some be just talk about what they’re going to do and others do it? John gives us some history on how he was raised and his experiences in school. Who would have thought he would ever be successful?

-The importance of humility and letting go of the ego

-Following your passions to happiness

-Allowing an adult child to move back home: Enabling vs. support; creating goals and setting boundaries

and much more!



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dr bob shufeldt on success and human potential, november 19, 2013

'John Shufeldt – Finding the Ingredients in the “Secret Sauce” that Makes an Individual Go from Average to Extraordinary – November 19, 2013' has no comments

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