Keith Foster

Author of How To Overcome Heart Disease

Ground-Breaking Book, Born of Personal Tragedy, Marks Paradigm Shift In Prevention of Heart Disease

Meticulously researched by Keith Foster, ‘How to Overcome Heart Disease’ delivers exactly what it states on the cover through a simple, researched-backed model that is 100% new. Focusing on the body’s special and vital relationship with Vitamin C, Foster pours years of diligent research into every chapter, allowing readers to prevent what has become the world’s most fierce natural killer. The author knows this all too well, being left without a father as a young child due to what would now, with this knowledge, be preventable heart disease.

It’s a staggering and shocking statistic; 25% of all deaths, worldwide, are the result of preventable heart disease. Treating it has become a multi-billion-pound industry with so many “fads” that most are left confused and disenchanted about keeping their heart healthy. However, as researcher and lecturer Keith Foster is about to expose – preventing or overcoming heart disease is incredibly simple.
It’s a subject that has fascinated Foster his entire life, losing his own father to poor heart health when he was a child. Following decades of research, everything he learned is now being showcased in ‘How to Overcome Heart Disease’.

Show Highlights:

-Health is more of question of what you don’t do than what you do.

-If you have a positive attitude to life, you’re usually pretty healthy. Find the underlying cause of a problem, which can be physical, spiritual, or emotional, and deal with that.

-Sympathetic listening and constructive advice can lead a person back to health.

-Cancer is when the oxygen level of cells falls below 35%. Keep it above by altering the pH of the blood to make it more alkaline, which carries more oxygen. A pH of 7.45 carries 65% more oxygen than a pH of 7.3.

-Vitamin C is a bridge that allows oxygen to get in the cells; it is the most efficient electron acceptor in nature. Need to take it with an omega-3 food, which draws electrons into the cells.

-Need proper hydration. At start of day, take 1 tsp baking soda in 1 pint of water to alkalinize and neutralize the toxins that have accumulated overnight.

-10 gram daily doses of Vitamin C helped Keith’s stomach cancer. Take Vit C to bowel tolerance. Dr. Simoncini said cancer is a fungus and can only exist if you are acidic. Can restore pH balance with baking soda treatment. Vit C is not acid-making.

-Vitamin C also useful for overcoming atherosclerosis. Dr. Linus Pauling used lysine with Vit C. Aging is a gradual decline in T-cells, which require a high level of Vit C; Vit C keeps T-cells up.

-Positive results using iodine to lower high lipoprotein A. Supplemental iodine prevents uptake of radioactive iodine, balances out bromine exposure.

-One of finest remedies is charcoal, which takes acidic substances out of circulation and carries oxygen into the body. Keith recommends a natural charcoal that has not been activated for ongoing daily use. Likes Toxinbuster (US – soon available at ORN store) or Happy Tummy (European – at brands. Activated charcoal is a very strong filter, a superabsorbent, but it competes with nutrients. Good for short-term toxin removal but not recommended for long term. Activated charcoal has been heated to 4,000 F, steamed, and acid washed.

and more!!

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Keith Foster, Vitamin C, Heart Disease, Cancer, Alkalinity, Blood PH, Plaque and more, March 23, 2017

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